Friday, February 20, 2009

I suck.

Just got my grading done. Whew! I'm really struggling to keep up with everything--much more than usual. I'm not sure what the problem is. Some of it is that L's homeschooling takes me SO much longer to create, plan, etc., as she gets more advanced and we add more subjects. Some of it is having more animals. That can't be all of it, though. I'll get to a real post tomorrow. In the meantime, in 'honor' of the hideous Zor Shrine Circus that will be in Madison all weekend, please check THIS out. L. has been busy all week creating signs for the protest and is looking forward to seeing her old 'friends', the little men in funny hats.

Now I'm off to go watch W with the husband. He's home AND he's awake...can't miss that rare opportunity!

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