Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm a shit surfer

I just love the coppery pink color of this asiatic lily! I used to have hundreds and hundreds of various asiatic and oriental lilies in the garden, and I loved them all. Then I lost my whole collection due to a fungus. I had to let the soil recover from the fungus and haven't been able to put any liles in for five years, and I have missed them so much! Everytime I see one in another garden, I get a little jealous. I'm SO excited that this fall I get to put lilies in again. I have 225 bulbs to plant, which isn't nearly what I had before, but it's a decent start. Next year I will be frolicking in my lilies again--can't wait!

This morning started out as an adventure. I’ve been very stressed and headache-y this week, and I’m sure the animals have picked up on it. Maintaining our household is so NOT a one-person job—especially with the extra foster dog thrown in the mix. She has a bad bladder infection, which we only discovered at our vet visit yesterday. She just started her antibiotics, which has affected her poo a bit (more on that later).

Despite taking some Tylenol PM last night along with my migraine prescript., I did not sleep well at all! When I was awakened an hour earlier than my alarm was set for by the intense heat my body decided to generate (instead of allowing me the extra sleep I needed), I wanted to cry. Then I noticed the headache had returned. I took more headache drugs and lay there determined to sleep until my alarm went off. I didn’t, because I was still way too hot. So once the alarm went off, I jumped up to start the routine and let the dogs out.

They were naughty and didn’t listen very well, a couple refused to go potty until after they had eaten. It’s gone fairly smoothly in the mornings with them this week without Mark (their usual morning caregiver), but today they were just uncooperative, slow, and irritating. Once I got them fed, I moved on to feeding the cats. At this point, I noticed that some of the soft, glittery cat balls my cats like to play with had been shredded and spread out all over the living room. I wondered which dog left me that mess? I was moving pretty quickly, because I was behind schedule at this point. Still overheated and sweaty with a headache. Then with the cat dishes empty and in my hand, I slid across the large area rug.

I managed to catch and upright myself without falling, but was not looking forward to cleaning up the usual hairball yak my cats like to leave about like little treasures for me to find. Only then did I look down. It was then that I looked down and my drug-filled stomach heaved. It was not a hairball or even bits of plant leaves that they had eaten and yakked. It was a very soft, very nasty, very smelly pile of antibiotic-induced poo that little Nala the foster pup left me. I've certainly mastered performing the shit slide with grace and panache. Next time around I'll go for style. I was so, so grateful that I didn’t have time to kick my flip flops off after I brought the dogs in, like I normally would have. The bottom of my right flippy was completely smeared in stinky poop. A very large section of the dining room area rug was also covered with the poop that I had smeared in really well with my full weight, and spread around as I slipped through it. Lovely. I knew that crying or puking would make my headache and everything else worse, so I tried to keep it together as I started gather lots of cleaning supplies and paper towels.

Oh my hell, it was ground into that rug! I scrubbed and scrubbed and even used a bleach cleaner on my red area rug. I just wanted the nastiness gone. I couldn’t get it clean and had to get myself cleaned up and ready for work. It was then that I decided I’d had enough of the day and just needed to go back to bed for the day. I continued to battle about whether I should go in or not, thinking of how far behind I am on everything, because of my computer dying last week, as I was trying to clean the bottom of my flip flop. I decided to work after all, but I promised myself I would reward myself at the farmer’s market today by getting two yummy apricot bars instead of just one. I had to give up on the nasty shit stain, leaving it soaked in carpet cleaner with a towel over the top of it, until I returned from work.

I washed my hands very well with lots of soap and lots of hot water, finished getting ready and left for work. Still, I just kept feeling like I smelled nasty poop, and just kept washing my hands at work. I think the smell is just mental though, like PTSD from my morning trauma. So after all that, the apricot bar dude wasn’t at the market today. Bastard. I asked at another bakery booth if they had anything vegan, and they had one thing, a chocolate-covered, chocolate muffin. Hell yes! My heart was set on apricot bars, but chocolate would be a good distraction. The chocolate muffin was very good. I still want an apricot bar.

Fortunately, the rest of my day went much, much better than my morning.

My family will be home late tonight. In the meantime, I will enjoy my dinner of fresh fruit from the farmer's market, after I scoop litter, feed the cats, give out medications...

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