Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Two on Tuesday

At work today I was lamenting that my project list is growing exponentially, putting me further behind every single day. Then panic struck at the realization that the school year is quickly approaching, and I am not prepared for homeschooling or the college class I'm teaching. I have a mere two weeks. This horrible knowledge has thrown me into a manic frenzy. I have worked diligently all night, researching and lining up resources for history and art. I made good progress, but didn't finish, and I still have to finish history and art, language, Latin, science, geography, economics, and music. I may not be able to sleep for the next two weeks! How did I let this creep up on me so quickly without starting my prep weeks ago?!?

I had to stop working on prep tonight long enough to play Luciana's Wizardology game. She requested last night when I tucked her in, that all of us play after dinner tonight, so we did. We didn't get to finish in time for bed-time reading, so we put the game up and will finish it tomorrow.

Anyway, tonight's 'two' are interesting science facts.

1. Messages from your brain travel along your nerves at up to 200 miles an hour.

2. In outer space, liquids become sphere-shaped.

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