Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ab Aeterno

I have to briefly mention the last ep of LOST. It was so good! Ricardo's story was such a tragedy. I enjoyed the fantastic acting, the story, and the many interesting pieces of information we have been given. I won't drop any spoilers about the next ep, but I can say that those who have seen the script promise another amazing ride for next week's Package. I'm waiting with bated breath!

The first flowers in our garden have opened!

What a week! I've been a horrible blogger. I've been struck with some manic organizational compulsion this week. I've been sorting, organizing, and cleaning. There's no particular reason for it, and it wasn't the most convenient week for it, but when those moods strike I've learned to just roll with it. My closet is a thing of beauty right now. I keep walking in just to look around. It won't stay this nice for very long. None of my work will last for long, but it's making me really happy at the moment.

I've also been spending lots of time with my newly returned grandkitties--the previously adopted kittens we had called 'the twins'. There will be a post about them coming soon!

We got L's new headboard and bed frame this week, so H & I worked for a good chunk of today getting everything assembled. That boy loves to help with absolutely anything! L helped for a while, too, but was in a bit of a pissy mood. She got bored (?) and went outside to swing and chat with M, who was cleaning the lovely piles our dogs love to leave all over.

We had to replace her old headboard and frame. They were ancient. It started out as my childhood bed. Then it was Dej's--with a new mattress/box spring. Then it was L's. I painted it for her so it would be pretty and match her room. She's used it, jumped on it, and moved it several times. When we moved it into her new bedroom, it wasn't up against a wall for the first time in decades. We realized then it was so rickety, that it needed the wall for stabilization. She was emphatic that her new headboard have a bookshelf (like her 'old' one).

We weren't able to find any locally, so I looked online. I LOVE!! We got the very nice headboard that she picked out, along with the steel frame, at a good price. On top of that, it was delivered to our door for $2.95 total, and it was HEAVY! I'm very impressed and will definitely shop at again.

She's very happy with it. We got it made up, and she's in the process of putting things in the shelves right now. She's putting a lot of thought into her shelf space. We're both pretty sure that Tica will end up claiming the big middle spot in the headboard, so she's planning to just put a pillow and blankets in there for her. Tica is charging around on it, under it, and being extremely cute.

We took L & H to see Alice In Wonderland last night. We all enjoyed it. It was based very much on the poem, Jabberwocky. We got to see the Jabberwock, the jub jub bird, the frumious bandersnatch, and the vorpal sword. Dej could still give a rousing rendition of the poem (if she was forced to), but I learned last night that L no longer remembers it. She memorized it years ago, so we will be revisiting that. Soon. Very soon. I think I may introduce it to H, and see if I can encourage him to memorize. It is a tragedy that most kids aren't required to memorize things anymore. It is such a wonderful way to build and strengthen those neural networks. My kids will thank me for it someday. :D I also believe the ability to correctly read both prose and poetry is a vital part of a child's education. I really love the power and nuances of language (both of humans and non-humans) and am so happy that my girls appreciate it too! I'm grateful my parents passed that appreciation down to us (my brother and me).

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