Sunday, March 07, 2010

I'm sick and feeling horribly sorry for myself. M had it over a week ago, and I was telling him last week how unusual it is for him to get something and me to miss it. Usually, whenever the girls get something, I do. Maybe one out of every five times or so, he gets it. I guess I got cocky about missing it a little too soon, because I started to feel bad yesterday and am still on the rapid decline. Unless my Nyquil does miraculous things for me over night, I probably won't be going to work in the morning. I'm just miserable. {/whine}

All three of us are snuggled downstairs with the pups watching Coraline. L chose to watch a movie for our Sunday family night. Instead of our usual popcorn snack, M baked some fries. I feel too icky to eat, so they are enjoying them without me. My daughter just pointed out to my husband that the circus-guy character on Coraline has a camel toe. And she used those words. Camel toe. That's all it takes to get the Camel Toe song stuck in my head for the rest of the night. (...your biscuit, your beavage, I see your cooter cleavage...) A timeless classic.

We arrived at dance a little early today, so we stopped by MadCats to pass some time. I picked up a couple of new toys, because I can't get out of that store without buying something for the cats. I've waited years for someone to invent this toy, and they finally did it. It's a hands-free laser. I can set it anywhere, angle it however I would like, and push a button to turn it on. The laser rotates in a random pattern, and it turns itself off in 15 minutes. The cats love it, and I don't have to deal with hand cramps from squeezing the tiny laser button. It's so cool! I need to pick one up for my grandkitties next week when we go to dance.

I gave the new exam in class on Thursday, and am pretty happy with the results. I need to shave a couple little things off, because it took more time than it should have. After I got everything graded, I ran some analysis on the test results as a whole, and then looked at each individual 'question' (they're not really questions, but that's close enough). The analysis and the students' performance indicate that it's a solid, fair test, so I'll keep it in the rotation. Whew. It's always stressful for me to have students take an 'untested' exam.

Friday night Dej & Luke came over to hang with me. M was out of town again, and it was nice to have the company after L went to bed. We watched the last episode of LOST again. It was a nice break from the grading, but they left around midnight, and I had to get back to grading. SO glad to be done!
I came across this photo (from xmas eve) while organizing my picture folders. It's of my cousin/friend, Denny, and me (both looking tired and full of grasshoppers :-). I'm posting it in spite of that, because of the lovely button I have pinned on my jacket. My mother-in-law brought it for me shortly before the holidays, so I thought the family party was a great time to debut the photo button of teen M in his soccer uniform. His hair is pretty special.

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