Friday, March 12, 2010

Like a rhinestone cowboy

This morning, I was lying in bed awake, irritated that I was awake and didn't need to be. L was still sound asleep, and M had already left for work. The dogs started barking, which is not at all unusual. The urgency and duration of their barking was a little unusual, though. After about five minutes of it, I finally hoisted my fat ass out of bed to go downstairs and see what was going on and try to hush the dogs before they woke L up.

I got downstairs and saw Chloe, who was the only one STILL barking, looking out the living room window that overlooks our driveway. I was shocked by what I saw. I thought at first it was a Canadian Goose, but I looked more carefully and saw that it was a wild turkey. Then I saw the second one, just a few feet behind the first. The male & female turkeys leisurely wandered down my driveway. I did what any self-respecting half-dressed turkey-watching woman would do. I grabbed my camera and ran outside (in my nightshirt with wild, uncombed hair) to take pictures. The happy couple was strolling through my neighbor's yard (that's their flag...not mine) by the time I got out there with the camera, but I still got a few pics of them.

I encountered my fully-dressed neighbor, who was as confused as I as to why we have wild turkeys parading through our yards. We're right in the middle of town, and aren't really within the walking/minor flying distance of wild turkeys.

I'd like to say this was the first time I've found myself in a strange situation in my front yard while not fully dressed, but it's not. I doubt my neighbors are surprised by much that I do anymore. I was barefoot and freezing, so I ran back in to get something on. By the time I got back out there, I couldn't find them. I've been thinking about (and worrying about) them all day.

Shockingly, after all the noise the dogs made and me running around and slamming doors, L did not wake up for another 1.5 hours! The rest of our day was fairly routine--a productive school day, a good piano lesson, dog swimming, and pick up H for our 'weekend time'. The kids have been playing since.

This is my first opportunity to sit and relax today. I have a few minutes of down time, and then Dej & Luke will be coming over to hang out for a bit.

M will be in Fond du Lac speaking until tomorrow afternoon. I was planning to (FINALLY!) work on our taxes, but I'm not sure how successful I will be with all of the chores to manage, as well as care for L, H, & all of the animals. It could get interesting... He will be back in time for us to go to a friend's birthday party tomorrow night.


Anonymous said...

what is a rhinestone cowbow?:)


VeganMom said...'s...uh, the rhinestone cowboy's flaming brother?