Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Dr. Linus

This is the cool cat laser toy that we got. It looks a little sex toyish to me. I told you my mind was a very scary place. ;) It's a great toy and was $20 well spent! The brand is Bolt.

I stayed home to recover yesterday. I got up in the morning, felt rotten, took L over to my mom’s, came back home, took some Nyquil, and went to bed. I don’t know why I never thought to take Nyquil during the day before. I wanted to sleep through as much of the misery as I could, so why waste time with Dayquil! It worked well, though by afternoon I had a migraine, and nothing worked on that.

I’m feeling slightly better today. I woke up tired (of course) and still not at 100%, but was ready to go back to work. I didn’t want to get any farther behind. It was a really foggy, depressing morning. It took me until almost 9:30 this morning to have my usual Tuesday awareness. It finally hit me that it was LOST day, and suddenly the whole day started to improve. Tonight is a Ben-centric episode, so that is really promising.

M and I were awakened a little after 2:00 this morning by the sound of a dog screaming. It was awful!! Chloe was yelping loudly and repeatedly. As soon as our brains woke enough to figure out what was going on, we went running down to the living room, where the noise came from. My adrenaline kicked in, and I started to shake and my chest was very constricted. She sounded like she was being killed! M got to Chloe first. We saw then that she was sound asleep. She wasn’t even aware that we had come stomping down the stairs and were looking at her. Poor Chloe must have been having a nightmare. She didn’t make any more noises after that and was perfectly normal this morning. It took me a while to get the adrenaline out of my system (it overrode the Nyquil I had taken) and calm down enough to go back to sleep.

While backing down our driveway, I noticed there was an Obama/Biden sign stuck into the branches of our contorted filbert tree in the front yard. I thought it was a very strange thing for someone to do and commented that it was odd. That’s when L piped up from the backseat and said she put the sign up there. She saw our old sign while playing outside with Hunter this weekend and put it in the tree. I asked her why. She said that the garden needed some color.

I noticed this steno pad lying open on our kitchen table this week. M is already starting to plan for his annual big St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Here’s the shopping list he wrote out. I often miss out on it, because if it falls on a Tues or Thurs I teach those nights. This year it’s on a Wednesday, so I get to participate.

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