Tuesday, March 02, 2010


I'm done with tonight's class and am now waiting for M to get home so we can watch tonight's LOST. He's out of town (AGAIN) speaking tonight but should be back in an hour or so. I'm being an exceptionally kind, supportive wife by not starting to watch without him. It's hard. I'm such a giver. ;P

I got my test written for Thursday night's class, so now I can relax for the rest of the week.. Scratch that. I just remembered that I still have to do the monthly bills and our taxes this week.

L and I are reading Gulliver's Travels for our bedtime reading. I think she will really enjoy the story and am hoping it will lead to some interesting conversations and ideas when we discuss the rich satire and philosophy. Because it was written nearly four hundred years ago, some of the language used is unusual to her, and I am trying anticipate and provide translations for her, so she doesn't get frustrated initially.

Tonight while reading, I came to the word, 'scimitar' and immediately provided the translation. She quickly informed me that she KNOWS what a scimitar is, her tone conveying the unspoken, "DUH, mom. Who doesn't know what a scimitar is!" I guess her D&D obsession has given her an excellent command of all weapons--real, imaginary, ancient, modern--she knows them all. She has a very unusual body of knowledge for a 10-yr old girl!

I'm finding that one up side to her having her own camera is that when I am too lazy to take photos and need some for a post, I can always pull some of hers from her storage drive. The down side became really obvious tonight, as we were getting ready for bed. As I was chatting with her, getting undressed, I noticed she was giggling her little ass off. I looked up to find she was taking video with her camera. We had to have a little chat about when we do and do NOT film people! It was even more imperative to get that established, because she likes to post videos on You Tube. That's such a horrifying thought, that I will probably have nightmares about You Tube videos of my big self undressing.

All photos are by Luciana. 1) Carrie; 2) Ivan; 3) Oliver

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