Monday, June 23, 2008


Lots to say but no time. I'm behind on everything. Life's in the shitter. Jasper's in the hospital (can't really afford it now, of course). It rips my heart out to leave my babies at a scary strange place overnight. At least he will be sedated tonight so he won't know. Doesn't make me feel any less sad, though. One kid's a hormonal psychotic, and the other one is overly emotional tonight. We were supposed to go camping on Weds., but that's looking very iffy at the moment. Why must everything go to hell at once? I. can't. take. any. more.
I did get my plants all in the ground tonight--no time to water them in, but at least I accomplished something. This photo is a couple of my favorite undernoticed plants growing in the cracks of our flagstone patio. There is, from left to right, a moss, a miniature juncus, and a liverwort. All have such great texture!

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