Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quick post (for me), I have friends coming over in a few!

What a week! I'm sitting on my bed listening to yet another thunderstorm. More storms predicted for three of the next four days. More devastation in the midwest. I'm having to force myself away from the news/weather, because I'm getting so depressed for these poor people and animals suffering in this weather. And, I should add, more angry with the insurance companies who have no qualms about boosting their bottom line by screwing people out of their lives. Seriously, how in the hell is a flood NOT an "act of god".

I have been fighting with a migraine/sinus headache all week--actually since Saturday. By pounding enough different drugs (excedrine, otc sinus meds, and imitrex), I am able to alternate between a crappy sinus headache and a migraine. This is a really, really bad one, and I'm getting pretty discouraged by it. I hate that weather is one of my biggest migraine triggers! There's really no way to get around that one. I'm currently back to a sinus headache, so I'm able to function today. Tuesday night and Wednesday were beyond horrible. I was wishing for death.

So in the midst of my weakest moment (god, I feel like such a disgusting, pathetic, weak loser, in addition to the pain--I hate to be weak!!), Dej called Tuesday night a little before midnight. She was on her way to B's (currently at semi-boyfriend status, although they still act exactly the same) when she saw the car in front of her hit a young bunny. They kept right on driving. She stopped. They bunny was hurt badly but not dead, so she called to tell me she was bringing her home. I was at the stage where talking was agony, moving was worse. Walking was so intense that crawling was the best way to get around. Mark, used to the drill by now, popped up to help get everything we needed for the wild-animal intake. We have one room left that we can use to safely contain an animal from all other animals in our house--the first floor bathroom. Baby bunny was not in good shape and was still bleeding. Part of her back was gone--just a big old chunk of her was not there. There was an wound on the back leg, which was also broken. The severity of these and her small size made the likelihood of internal injuries highly probably. This is one of the most heartbreaking situations to be in, and Allegrea and I have both been in this position way too many times in the past. This rabbit needed euthanization. There is NOBODY at that time of night, who will come and take care of her. There was no point even trying to clean up or triage her, as my touch was extremely upsetting to her and probably pretty painful. All I could do was try to provide as much comfort as possible until she passed on. Damn that is a sucky and sad place to be, and I was so weakened by the damn headache that it was even harder to deal with than normal. All I could do was cry. How very helpful. Needless to say, she did pass, and I can only hope that I was able to make her feel safe and somewhat more comfortable than she would have been dying alone in the middle of a dark road. We buried her in the garden last night (actually, Mark did the honors, as my head was still pretty intense).

I took some shots of L's little play area (before the wall of storms arrived), as she has done some rather creative "decorating" in her little area. Keep in mind that this is not her garden. This is just her little playground. I swore I took another picture, but I can't find it. She also has a container, that she borrowed from our stash, and she planted a boxelder seedling that I pulled out of the garden. It's growing fairly well in it's pot. That's also in her little area, but I apparently have no picture to illustrate it. The first pic shows a beautiful shrub that she has growing
between her sandbox and her rope ladder. It's a 'Hakiro Nishiki' willow. Mark pruned ours last fall, and she took one of the cuttings, planted it in her area, and it took. It is now a beautiful shrub in a strange (or I should say, unexpected) place. You can also see, near the shrub, a bunny and the top of a mushroom--statuary that she "borrowed" from my garden. The second pic shows another bunny statue that she liberated from my garden. She then took some moss from the cracks in our patio and pt it on her bunny statue. She wanted it to be moss covered. We are all great moss lovers here and have worked pretty hard to get various kinds of moss established between the flagstone in our patio. She loves it as much as M & I do, and is always trying to take bits of it. It actually has established itself on her little bunny statue, though, and continues to look healthy and grow there.

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