Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm having a high-pain day, so on this beautiful Saturday, instead of weeding as I should be, I'm stuck on the couch for now. L is working on cleaning her toy table. I have to actually supervise this process, so I can catch her as she tries to stuff things under the table instead of actually putting them in their proper places. M is upstairs in bed napping. D is downstairs becoming one with the television, as she recovers from getting her wisdom teeth removed on Thursday.

She had to have all four removed. They hadn't come in yet, but the dentist was concerned with the angle they were growing, that if they did come in, they would mess up the straight teeth that we spent a lot of money on. She's looking really swollen and is showing some bruising today! Her left side looks a lot worse, and I'm not sure why. She was given vicodin for pain but quit taking it yesterday, as she started vomitting and continued until this morning. This is the most 'major' medical trauma she has experienced so far. Her post-surgical ramblings in the recovery room where entertaining--the kind of moments that the mother of an 18-yr-old with an attitude lives for. She even made a very funny cell phone call to one of her friends.

Yesterday my mom and I took L & Elijah to the Discovery Center in Rockford. It's an outstanding children's science museum. That and the Coronado Theater may be the only nice things about Rockford. The kids had a lot of fun. I was having bad pain issues (not as bad as today though), and was a total idiot, forgetting my camera. I still can't believe we got NO pictures! We spent several hours there and had a very nice day.

Tonight is our date night, so L will be spending the night with Grandma and E. I think my mom will be pretty worn out by tomorrow afternoon after having both kids overnight. We'll probably have E come over tomorrow for a while to give my mom a break.

I'm not speaking to Petey today. He knocked all the plants off the shelf in the kitchen. AGAIN! These plants are there so they can be under the grow light. One of these plants is a bonsai tree that I have worked very hard to keep alive over the last five years (I wasn't so successful with the three bonsai trees that preceeded this one). That means, again, I have to take the stove top apart and clean inside, because soil is all over in there. The kitchen floor was trashed. The plants that weren't killed need to be repotted and will hopefully survive the trauma. I'm going to try to put duct tape (the solution to everything) down all over the shelf with the sticky side up. Maybe that will work. Probably not but I have to try it. Damn that naughty little orange cat!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Yeah I remember someone else's recovery room babbles also!! and how funny you were I mean they can be (haha)