Thursday, May 21, 2009


They're blooming again, filling the backyard with their heavenly scent!

I finally got my grades done and get get back to life! I was a woman on a mission tonight and even managed to get my closet switched around from winter to summer clothes. I tried on lots of stuff and ended up with a big pile of clothes to donate, so that cleared out some much needed space. We haven't turned on the central air yet, so it's horribly hot upstairs in the bedrooms, even with the ceiling fans on.

Baxter and Petey went to the vet this morning to get their teeth cleaned. We picked them up this afternoon, and it's so nice to have them back home again. I really dislike having my babies away from me. Whenever possible, I schedule two of them together, so they don't have to be alone and afraid. I do not understand why it costs so damn much to get a cat's teeth cleaned. Even with no extractions, it's little over $200 per cat. Really? Is it that hard to scrape plaque?

Hallie seems under the weather today. She's very quiet and sleepy, and I've cleaned up vomit in various locations throughout the house that I suspect are from her. I'm a little concerned, but cats vomit fairly frequently, and she may just have a hairball issue. If she's not perkier tomorrow, we will be making a trip to the vet again.

The girls and I also went to the dentist this morning for our six-month check-up and teeth cleaning. None of us had any issues, which is always nice to hear. L had to get a flouride treatment, which she really hates. She loves to go to the dentist, though. She always has. We always took her to watch when we went in for the six-month checks and cleaning. She looked forward to it as a "big girl" activity, and couldn't wait until she was three and big enough to have her own dentist appointment. We've gone to the same dentist forever--since I was a child. She's also an orthodontist, so she did my braces and Dej's. I hope she's still practicing when it's time for L to get her braces. I cannot imagine having anyone else work on my family's teeth!

Dej finished her last final yesterday and they and the cats arrived last night. They will be staying here, but going back and forth, moving into their new place for the remainder of the month.

A friend's blog meanderings have had me thinking about feminism this week quite a bit. It's nice to actively contemplate this topic again. It's always been extremely important to me and a major part of my life, but I've not found too many who find it as interesting and important as I do since my undergrad years. I had some great feminist friends then, and we enjoyed many hours of long talks, research, writing--I missed it for so many years. I kind of mourned the loss of a strong feminist community and had resigned myself to reading my Bitch magazines and Off Our Back journals and privately contemplating, because nobody else found it of interest.

It's been such a loss for me to not have anyone to bounce ideas off, to discuss how motherhood has affected my feminism, to address my feelings of betrayal to the sisterhood for getting married and 'sleeping with the enemy' and for removing visible body hair from my neck down. It's a loss that I tucked away and learned to live with. It feels great to think about these things again.

I may start talking about and even writing about these things again. I really had plans of doing so tonight and had a specific topic/direction I wanted to explore. However, by the time I blathered about the mundane details of the day, I wasted much of my blogging time. I have to continue to be productive and have lots more to get done tonight and am still hoping to rewatch last week's LOST finale, so that post will have to wait for another day.

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