Thursday, May 28, 2009

Quick Chloe update

I slogged through yesterday in absolutely agony from a migraine that I woke up with. I tried to get ready for work, but it was just not working. I had to cancel a fairly important meeting that has been on my schedule for a month, so staying home was really not what I wanted to be doing. Another big problem with staying home was that I missed the farmer's market, which is a tragedy. That's a big highlight of my week, and the bunnies are going to start a mutiny if I don't find them some fresh organic greens soon.

I did absolutely nothing but survive, wish some of my meds would actually work, and wait in dread for the moment we had to leave to take Chloe in. By 3:00 when it was time to leave, it was clear that the migraine was not letting up, and I was in no condition to drive. I had to call Mark home from work early to take us to Rockford. We dropped Chloe off and I left crying. We got home, I threw together an easy dinner (baked thai peanut tofu), and waited for the phone call from Chloe's vet. I panicked when my cell rang at 6:30, which I knew was too early for the surgery to be completed. It was indeed Chloe's vet, telling me that her pre-surgical bloodwork indicated some high liver enzymes. She was not going to do the surgery, because her liver may not be able to process the anesthetics. She was concerned that the cancer had spread to her liver, in which case, there was no point in surgery. The would have an ultrasound machine in the clinic the next day (Thurs.) and would be able to check the liver at that point.

I hung up and started bawling. It seems to be what I do best these days. I wanted to go pick her up and bring her back home. I couldn't stand the thought of her being in a cage, alone, and wondering where her family was for an entire night! I really tried to convince myself that she'd be okay, and it was environmentally irresponsible of me to drive all the way to Rockford and back home and then again in the morning for her ultrasound. Given the current nightmare of road construction, it's about 50-55 minutes one way. As concerned as I am about the environment and gas consumption, I just couldn't sell myself on leaving her there. It was too late for L to go out, so M stayed home with her. My mom kindly offered to go with me, which was really good considering my state of mine and the migraine. Thanks, mom.

We got Chloe home fairly late, and the poor dog was ravenous! I was extremely annoyed that she hadn't been fed yet. We had to cut off her food after her night feeding, so the poor pup was already starving when she arrived at 4:30. They knew this. Even after it was determined that they wouldn't do the surgery, she wasn't fed. I don't think they keep food there, which makes me extra glad that I didn't leave her there for the whole night! My poor sweet puppy! We fed her right away and cuddled with her all night. I was so happy to have her there.

We (L & I) got up this morning, took care of our chores, and headed back to Rfd with Chloe. She had to stay there for her test, which left us around an hour to kill in Rfd. She did NOT want to go in and had to be literally dragged in. The ultrasound did not show any lesions on the liver. The liver is inflamed, which the vet said sometimes just happens. I would feel a bit better if I had more of a concrete reason. They also found that she is just starting to show minor signs of hip displaysia. They changed her age estimate from 5 yrs. to 5-7 yrs. Realistically, it is doubtful that we will have to worry about surgery for the hip, as she most likely won't be around long enough to have it advance that far, but we'll watch it. She told us to get a supplement called SAMe for the liver and glucosamine chondroitin for the hip, human versions. We scored later at Walgreens and got both on a 'buy one get one free' sale. We are rescheduling the surger for next Friday, and are hopping that her liver enzymes are better by then. *Sigh*

This evening L & H played outside, while I finished planting our containers. M was working again. I still have to get Dej's planted up tomorrow.

She and Joe are working on getting settled in the new place, which is very nice. She, like me, prefers older homes and the unique character and personality each one has. It's roomy and the kittens just love tearing around at full speed. We still have to get their cat tree over there for them. They have a nice-sized three-season sun porch with a door that will keep it safe from the kittens. They are going to have a nice little container garden out there.

Now I'm feeling chatty but have to get going without even adding a picture. Why? Because M is being pissy, because he's waiting to watch our Netflix, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". He wanted to watch the movie again after we saw the play. No picture. Blame Mark.

1 comment :

em for mighty said...

poor chloe. i hope she's feeling better. she's lucky to have you.