Saturday, June 13, 2009

a new love

It seems to be the case lately, that my greatest passions and excitement involves food. It's quite pathetic, but that's the way it is right now. So I've discovered another great love that will do nothing but make it harder for me to lose weight, but I'm weak and intend to indulge in this short-term delight for as long as it's available.

I will force myself to stick to my one-a-week limit on Mt. Dew. It will be hard, but I can do it. Probably.

I love, pine for, and dream about the 'new' Mountain Dew Throwback. It's made with real sugar, the way it used to be when I first became hopelessly addicted in my teens. It's heavenly and oh so much better than the HFCS version that we've all adjusted to. It goes down so much smoother. When I close my eyes and drink it, it takes me back to being 16 again. It transported me to one of countless sleepovers, where we consumed the real sugar Mountain Dew in returnable glass bottles and chomped down copious quantities of peanut M & Ms. A time where the thought of weight didn't even enter my mind to murk up the enjoyment of my goodies, because I was way too skinny and never gained weight. Oh for those days!! If only I could find vegan peanut M & Ms--the recreation would be fabulous.

Kathy, you have to try it! Get some of the throwback dew, peanut M&Ms, pop in some 80's tunes, and like magic, you'll be transported back to the trailer up north. Even better if you can find one of the songs from the one mixed tape we had that we played over and over and over. Add a little blue Glade, and it doesn't get much better. ;-D

I will be taking my love camping with us next weekend, where I am going to make vegan s'mores with our vegan marshmallows and will chase it down with the delectable Mountain Dew! Have I mentioned that I have a sweet tooth? :) I've always been that way, but it is definitely more prominent these days.

Because the Throwbacks (there's a Pepsi version too, but I'm not a Pepsi fan) are only a limited release, I will now spend my time buying all of the Mountain Dew throwback I can find, so I can enjoy it long after it's off the shelves. Oh sweet nectar of my youth.

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