Friday, June 12, 2009

No one's gonna tell me; what's wrong or whats right

I got another lovely gift from Lisa, my Etsy friend. She sent this gorgeous bag for me. It's got six gorgeous animals attached to it, and I love the color! It's too pretty for my everyday use, and I wouldn't want it to get all beat up. I can't wait until we go out for our next date night, so I can use it. It is made of a heavy satin that stays structured but is very silky smooth and fun to touch.
Luciana, still on her sewing kick, made me some handsewn little bags for carrying things like my cell phone and gum. I will be loading them up for use this weekend.

We've gained some unfortunate new neighbors across the street. We're hoping they don't last long (and hoping even more that they are renters, rather than the owners). I can give you a pretty good picture with three words (ok technically, phrases): chain-smoking, old trans am, and mullets. I was enjoying a beautiful night last night, weeding until dark. Even with my headache (still!) it was lovely, except the white-trash new neighbors. For the entire several hour period that we were outside, I breathed in their cigarette smoke. There were lots of them over there, but there was not a single time that they didn't have at least one stinky cigarette burning. They are very loud and redneck, and will not fit well in the neighborhood at all. :( We miss Joe and the kids already--I hate that they lost the house! I'm going to try to have to weed when they aren't home, so I can breathe fresh air without the trashy smokers making my headache worse. They fucking stole my serenity last night! L marched out with her sidewalk chalk, and drew a giant "No Smoking" sign on the end of our driveway, complete with a three-foot long cigarette with a line through it. M & I laughed our asses off at our her blatant art. I really cannot tolerate that habit or any other habit that negatively affects others. I sure as shit shouldn't have to breathe in their nasty chemical laden second-hand smoke while I'm trying to enjoy my front yard. I think I will enjoy antagonizing them and making their lives difficult in the neighborhood for as long as I am forced to smell their trashy, poisoned air. Considering the fact that I seem to be struggling with my menopause moods (just feeling hateful and bitchy for no apparent reason with no warning), I'm actually kind of happy for having an outlet for my irrational hostility. It might be my new hobby.

Here are a few pictures of our gorgeous oriental poppies. I love all poppies--just adore them. Our opium poppies aren't blooming yet, but the stunning, short-blooming oriental poppies are close to peak. They have such wonderful texture, and the buds and seedpods are also wonderful!

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