Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Two on Tuesday

Chloe is now wearing a collar, which she abhors. We tried to avoid it by having her wear a halter top (that I no longer wear) with ACE bandage wrap at the bottom. She kept "breaking into" her stitches at night though and getting her naughty little tongue in there. She now has an infection, so I have to keep the collar on her. She keeps getting stuck and is very unhappy about it. I feel so bad for her, but she's going to have to keep this on until the stitches come out. So our vet visit today, was another $140. Great. That's life with the zoo, though. I see my vets more often than I see any of my friends. How sad is that.

Here are two adorable poses Chloe struck tonight to show off her new fashion wear.

1. I love this one, because it's a nice close up of her cuteness.

2. I love this one, because it shows her one curly whisker. All of the others are normal, straight whiskers, but she has this one on her right side that always grows in curly like that. I love that little whisker! If you look closely at the background, you can see Ivan sitting on the 'front porch' of the cat house that L & H made. I'll post more pics of that later this week.

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