Saturday, March 13, 2010

Seals In Canada Need Your Help, Now And On March 15

This month, the world’s largest slaughter of marine mammals is scheduled to resume, even as an environmental disaster is killing seal pups. This year, there are barely any ice floes in eastern Canada. The ice is critical for seals to nurse their young and for the pups to gain strength in order to survive. If Prime Minister Stephen Harper does not intervene and cancel the hunt, sealers will kill the few remaining survivors. Please join IDA supporters and other compassionate people around the world by taking action today and on March 15, the Day of Action for Seals in Canada. Click here to see what you can do for seals right now.


Monday's miserable cold faded away fairly quickly, and I happily moved on. That's why I was really surprised when I woke up this morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck! I don't know if it's the same cold or a new one, but it's worse than the last one. This is not fair! Luciana is bad, too. She's been playing with H all day, and isn't quite as slowed down by it as I am. We are not able to attend our friend's birthday party tonight, because nobody wants to catch this mess!

Needless to say, I didn't even attempt to start the damn taxes today. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel well enough to focus on such horrible things.

The kids have created a big fort in the dining room, and at this point, they are planning to sleep in the fort. We'll see if that sticks, though. They have one of our camping lights in the fort, but insist that all the other lights on the first floor are off.

I'm in the midst of a little project, which I hoped to finish today but definitely won't, since I didn't even work on it today. I have a couple of wooden birdhouses that I received as a gift a zillion years ago. They were painted in the slightly rustic, country style, which is totally not my thing. I like the birdhouses themselves, though, so I got out my white & beige paints and lots of lace and other little baubles and am redoing them shabby-chic style. I have the painting done. I just have to pretty them up and then put them back together.

L bought (with her very own money) a little unfinished wooden treasure box, last time we were at Michael's. She loves to get those and decorate them. I'm not sure why she needs that many, but...whatever. She enjoys the process. She was able to get her project finished yesterday. This is her masterpiece.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

awesome job on the box L

BB Janesville