Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We spent Saturday's date night at the Coronado in Rockford again! I think that's the first time we've ever attended the same venue for two dates in a row. This time it was for the RSO's performance of Carmina Burana. We continue to be impressed by the quality of their performances.

Other than date night and L's dance class on Sunday, we had a lot of family time at home over the weekend. It was very nice and very needed, as I feel like we haven't had enough of that lately. After Sunday's class, L and I did some sewing--we're making stuffed owls, and we each got our owls eyes sewn on. Lila enjoyed a little snooze in the laundry basket (til I woke her with the flash), and M enjoyed a snooze on the couch (the flash didn't bother him).

November is an icky month for me (hunting, thanksgiving). It's an inescapable travesty, and I spend most of the month vacillating between despair and rage. It's a really good month to hide from the holocaust in my house, with my family. My motto for the month is, "The only good hunter is a dead hunter." I need a bumper sticker.

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