Sunday, November 28, 2010


We went over to my parents' for some delicious vegan lasagna. It was just our immediate family of four and my parents this year, which was nice.

After we ate (too much) we played a game of Moods, followed by a game of Clue.

A raucous cat fight started at around 1:00 am, the night before Thanksgiving. I was starting to drift while watching tv, but M was rudely awakened. He jumped up and yelled out, "Get out of bed!" before he was even awake. I jumped up to run downstairs and on the first step, my foot slipped, went up in the air, I became airborne for a brief second of "hang time", only to land on my tailbone on the edge of the step four or five down from my slip.

My landing was loud. Really loud. It awakened L from a sound sleep (in her room with the door closed). She came running out to see what was going on and asked what sounded like an atomic boom. Mark helped me up, because I couldn't move for a bit at first. He tried to keep from laughing, at least until he felt certain I wasn't going to die or be paralyzed. L found it supremely funny. While I was in horrific pain and not thrilled to be in this position YET A-FUCKING-GAIN, I could understand the laughter. I seem to have a knack for this kind of thing, and the ridiculousness of this happening to me repeatedly tends to inspire laughter.

I was in incredible pain on Thanksgiving day and moving really, really slowly. I definitely appreciated the low-key holiday--especially since I had to wear sweats, because real pants were too painful.

For a solid three days after the incident, L kept saying "Atomic BOOM", and laughing. Every time I would walk into a room, she would say it. I'm glad it brought her so much hilarity. Walking just isn't one of my gifts.

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