Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fur Free Friday

I awoke still in tremendous pain and was pretty concerned about getting to our FFF protest. As I was the media contact and very involved with this event, I just didn't feel like I could miss it. After much heat, ice, ibuprofen and any other drug which looked like it may help, the family piled in the car and left for Rockford. We had to stop in Beloit to pick up our friend Les.

I slipped jeans on right before we left, and one minute later couldn't wait to get them back off. Real pants are still quite painful, so I'm sticking with sweats when at home. I learned that riding in the car was horrible. The way my seat is designed pushed against my lower back very uncomfortably, and the bumps made everything worse.I was moving quite slowly and inefficiently all day, so we arrived about two minutes late. Before we reached the demo site, my cell rang. It was the reporter who was supposed to interview me, and he was there waiting. Shit. I told him we would be there in a minute, and he was very nice about staying and waiting for me.

M dropped me right at the site, so I didn't have to walk but a few steps and then just stand in place for two hours. The 20-ish degree temperature didn't help at all either. Even with our hand and foot warmers, we were all bitterly cold and ready to go home and get warm.

I absolutely would not have made it through any other even. It was so miserable! When it's for the animals, though, I can put up with anything. They suffer SO MUCH WORSE than the pain and cold I was dealing with, and where I have a choice and can go home, they never do. I really welcome the misery at times like that, as a powerful reminder of exactly why I would die happily for this cause. The innocent do not deserve to suffer at the hands of humans for the paltry and disgusting money that is made off their lives.

The minute I walked in the door, my sweats went back on, I took more drugs, and spent the rest of the day trying to get warm again.

These photos were taken by L, which is why she didn't appear in them. I wasn't with it enough to take pics, even though I had my camera with me.

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