Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy birthday, attractive (unshaven!) older man

L is supposed to be working on a new header for my blog. She is taking forever, though! I will wait a bit longer and then will have to make my own if she's not done soon. I don't like the unmatching look on the blog now.

L & H had a birthday party to attend on Sat. Our friend Logan turned nine! We all met at the bowling alley to celebrate. I was suffering in real pants again (counting the minutes til I could return to my comfy sweats), but the kids had a great time. I considered sending Mark with the kids, but I just couldn't miss Logan's big day.

We rarely go to bowling alleys, and this one made for some interesting people watching. I was not bored. The folks who have their own fancy, decorated bowling shirts, complete with names stitched on the front, along with coordinated bowling gear, seem to have interesting taste in style. Apparently very, um, sculpted hair which requires copious amounts of hairspray seems to be a requirement for the chic bowler babe. Wow. Peg Bundy lives on.

This guy is old now. He finally left his 30's and joined me in the next decade. Our family (including Hunter) and my parents went out for lunch to celebrate. The rest of the day we gave M his choice of how he would like to spend his bday, and he chose reading (The Hobbit, which he just finished) and napping.

While he was reading and L was spending time in the herbivore room, I finished up my owl softie. L isn't done with hers yet. Much of the time I've worked on it and asked her if she wanted to work on hers, she has opted to work on her computer art/animation. Eventually she will finish her owl.

I wanted to knock mine out, so I could move on to my next big project on my sewing list (after I get a few mending projects done). I have the fabric and an idea to make a cat hammock or two for the cat enclosure. I think they will enjoy hanging out in a snuggly hammock, while they watch life outdoors. I've certainly never made a cat hammock before, so I'm not sure if my idea will hold up or not. I'll figure something out.

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