Sunday, January 09, 2011

Birthday Eve

Today is the beginning of the celebration of Luciana. Her birthday is tomorrow, but today I made her favorite meal--baked potatoes with chili. She loves potatoes, in any form, more than anyone I've ever seen! She wanted to have a fire tonight and is now trying to decide if we are going to watch a movie of her choice or play a game of her choice.

Tomorrow is my long day at work, so I don't get back in time to do much. She decided on the day of her birthday that she wants to go to Red Robin with her grandparents (my parents). Then she will be celebrating again next Saturday when M's family comes for a get together.

M & I went to see The King's Speech last night for date night. It was such a good movie! We both thought it was fantastic, and my undying love for Colin Firth has only grown stronger. He is so damn good in every role he plays!

We decided, yet again, that seeing movies in theaters is sucky and we would rather wait to see them at home. People are just so loud and rude! This showing was all mature adults, so we were extra annoyed by the rudeness--they are not teens and should definitely know better. So many people came in late and disrupted everyone in an effort to find and get to the seats (it was a full house). Then the two assholes next to me decided to loudly swirl and chew their ice cubes. It was driving us crazy! So...great movie, bad company. We are going to work on being patient and waiting for the movies to come out on video.

The high point of my weekend was perhaps the penis cleansing. It was truly a Sunday afternoon filled with more excitment than most people should be allowed to have. Jolsie, our little old man guinea pig, hasn't been able to retract his little penis. It's not terribly unusual. They get out there and it only takes a little dampness and debris to turn into a cement-like layer that fills in the cracks. It can't then retract. Gentle scrubbing with warm water and a little olive oil to get it all clean will generally fix it. The trick is trying to get the necessary cleansing done without making it raw or inflamed, which could then cause the same problem. L got the pleasure of holding him while I crouched underneath and did my magic. Fortunately, he did not enjoy it any more than I did--poor little guy. As unpleasant as the whole thing was, it would only have been worse if he had enjoyed himself.

L observed the whole thing with a sneer. She got a nice close up view of the penis, as I had to hold it extended with one hand and try to cleanse in between the creases with the other hand. She asked me why penises were so gross and ugly. I laughed. She then said, "It's amazing that anyone has kids when it involves something like that!" I laughed again. She then asked me point blank why anyone would ever want to touch one of those things. I'm great with the scientific explanations, but there really isn't a logical or medical way to make her understand the answer to this question at this point in time. So, I just laughed again and told her we would talk about that another time. I can only handle so much trauma in one day.

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