Sunday, January 25, 2009

I kissed a girl and I liked it.

I'm sneaking in a quick post while my girl plays in the tubby. Since I'm a whole room away, she will yell loudly every 3-5 minutes, "Mommy, are you coming in to read yet?" One bellow down, several more to go.

As I mentally go over the past few days to try to recall how we've spent our time, most of it's a blur, other than LOST. LOST is back, and we've watched the two-hour premier episode twice. It did not disappoint and was full of answers and clues. It may take a third watching. Lots of interesting discussions on fractal time and reality, with the always intriguing wormhole stuff thrown into the mix. I still love Ben! This season is going to be fantastic.

"Mom, is it time yet?" <-- Bellow number two. We drove out to my cousin/friend, Denny's last night. We had a great time catching up, hanging out with them and their critters, and watching L. follow and irritate her older cousin Nathan, much the same way I did with my MUCH older cousin Denny when we were young. ;) He is fostering Dorothy, the Jack Russell terrier who badly needs a home. She has been fostered there for around six months, limited to the kitchen only. She is extremely cat aggressive, and they have three cats. She is so tiny and absolutely adorable! She loves humans and just wants to be loved and with her people as much as possible. Denny & Susan live way out in the country, so the ride home is always long and stressful, because we always see critters either crossing or alongside the road. This trip was no exception. We got to see two deer crossing right in front of our car. Good thing we saw them in time to stop!

Oh, I was wrong about the yelling. Apparently I took too long, and she got tired of waiting. Instead of yelling again, she just showed up next to me with her bath towel wrapped around her, dancing and singing, "Who Shakes the Best". She and H. were playing music from our 80's dance music folder this afternoon.

Jasper was very happy to see Dejanique today, when she visited. He was crawling all over her, trying to get her attention. He cuddled with her, purred, held her hand, hugged her (He really does hug! He wraps his little arms right around your neck and squeezes!). Then he started to scent her with his cheek glands. Then he went to work furiously scenting her purse. Then he did something I've never seen a cat do to a human before. He backed up and started to spray her arm. We both startled him by yelling, "Jasper!", and he stopped. It was very naughty and inappropriate for him to do, but it was also funny as hell. She didn't mind and thought it was pretty funny too. I guess in addition to missing her a lot, he wants to make really sure that the other cats know she belongs to him. It's really quite flattering. Lucky, lucky Dej.

Here is some more of Luciana's art. This is a creature, called a dracolisk, that exists in their D&D game. This particular dracolisk is a seaweed dracolisk, named Corel.

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