Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Two on Tuesday

This post was originally going to be an entirely different 'two', but that will have to wait for another week. I simply don't have the energy to type what I intended. Here's my lazy version instead.

Two Things I Learned Today:

1. My body does not have the energy to keep up with my Tuesday schedule! I'm hoping it's because it was my first long, long horrible day in quite a while, but maybe I'm just too old for this pace?? : ( By the time I returned home from my class, fed the cats and the outdoor critters, talked with Luciana for a bit, took care of my nightly chores, and read to L. and tucked her in, I've found that I'm too exhausted to eat dinner, yet I still have work to do tonight. I hope I get into my groove soon!

2. I am still beyond horrible at saying 'no'. My class was full, and I've been getting e-mails for two weeks now from students who want to be "bumped up" on the wait list for various and sometimes compelling reasons. Two of the computers in my lab are not working, and I don't yet know when they will be fixed. That means I'm two machines short without my wait list people. I do not like to have to deal with things like that. The first student on my wait list showed up early and asked to be let in. Since he had his own laptop and was willing to take a chance on having to work on that, I let him in. Then the next student showed up asking to be let in. She just got her GED, and this is her first school in over 20 years. She has five children and is very proud of herself for returning to school. She said she would buy a laptop, so she could get into the class. I signed off to let her add the class. How could I say no to someone working that hard at life? I've created lots more work for myself (and more grading which I HATE!!) and what will most likely be a cluster fuck for the rest of the semester. Here's hoping IT gets those machines fixed FAST, and even more, here's hoping that a miracle occurs and all the machines in my lab actually work for the entire semester. A girl can dream...it's all I have the energy for right now. :D

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