Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Story of a day

What a fantastic day! Despite starting my morning with a little beltline gridlock (over 20 minutes to drive 2.5 miles!), I am loving this day! My excitement over the inaugural event yesterday temporarily made me forget about what’s truly important ; ) about this week, LOST is back!! Tonight! So all in one lovely day, I woke up (way too early) with the realization that there is hope for better in this country, and that I will end my day with the long-awaited LOST return. How could it get any better than that?

We’ve been taking turns playing Othello with Luciana the last two nights. It’s a pretty simple game that I have always liked, but it’s new to M. & L. I had forgotten about it until I recently ran across it in the drawer of our entertainment center. I think I ran out of room on the game shelves several years back and stuck it down there. I found it in one of my recent manic cleaning and organizing endeavors and was so happy to see it. L. enjoys it and is quickly learning how to play strategically.

We made it through a minor disaster on Monday. L. lost another tooth and was, of course, very excited about it. In the process of trying to put it on the headboard of her bed for the tooth fairy, she dropped it, and it fell between the mattress and the headboard. She came running to me, sobbing as if the world had ended, and managed to explain what happened. She had looked and looked but couldn’t find it. I reassured her, thinking it would take me about five minutes to find. An hour later, I had moved her bed out and handpicked every small piece of lint or debris that was under her bed. No tooth! I still cannot explain where the tooth went, but none of us were able to find it. She was devastated that the tooth fairy wouldn’t come. I told her I wasn’t sure what would happen, but maybe she could try to leave a note for T.F. As it turned out, we played Othello and the game ran a little late, so in the rush before bedtime, she forgot to leave a note. The T.F. did indeed come anyway. We are guessing that perhaps because she’s so small and so into teeth, it was easy for her to spot the tooth we couldn’t find. Whew—another disaster diverted!


After writing the above, my day took some twists and turns. I'm very tired, and my hormones are causing me some...uh...mood issues. I thought it was shot to hell, but Amazon saved the day...

1. Stopped at post office, which is always unpleasant. Waited in line for way too long, while the only employee that was serving customers chatted with a man with no life. Seriously, I'm standing there hot as hell, getting more irritated by the minute as said man with no life takes his sweet time deciding which of the stamps he wanted to buy for his lame little collection. "Hmmm. Should I get a 'Betty', too? I definitely want 'Frank'." OMG!! I wanted to shove him face first into the display case! Quite annoyed, but I recover from this and return to my good mood.

2. Luciana lobbies strongly for stuffed shells, instead of the pizza I was planning to make. I HATE making stuffed shells, because filling each individual shell with the stuffing is a pain in the ass. It's messy, it burns my finger tips, and I get the stuffing stuck to my hands which totally grosses me out. I'm in a good mood, though, so I'm willing to accomodate my girl. No problem.

3. Mixed up the stuffing for the shells. Went to get the shells from the pantry only to find that someone cooked up half the box and put it away without telling me. What I thought was a full box was only half full. Super. There was enough for M & L, so I could find something else to eat. Grrrr.

4. Headache that has been plaguing me all day starts to ramp up into a migraine.

5. Stuffed shells are done. Dropped the big spoon, because my hands were wet and slippery. Big spoon lands in the bowl of sauce, splattering sauce EVERYWHERE, including my arms and face. M & L feel the need to point out that sauce is dripping down my arm, as if I can't feel it on my bare skin. Pissed off now.

6. Went in bathroom to clean sauce off my face. Noticed the little toothpaste splatters on the mirror that I have to clean off every day. I never brush my teeth in that bathroom. How the hell do you not notice/care that the entire mirror THAT YOU ARE CURRENTLY LOOKING INTO has little white splatters all over. Came out to announce that if they couldn't brush their teeth courteously, they couldn't brush in that bathroom anymore. M is pissed now.

7. M needs to reheat his plate of shells, as they cooled off between my serving them and him starting to eat. Microwave dies. Unplug, try new outlet. Nope, it doesn't make heat and won't stay on for more than 5 seconds. SHIT! Lovely. Just recovering from the $1000+ vet bills in the month of December and now we need a new microwave. Headache worse. Stomach hurts from taking lots of headache drugs with no food. Can't heat up my dinner now.

8. I announced that as soon as they are done eating, we need to go get a microwave. I cannot live without a microwave, nor could I reheat my food without one. L announced she is done. On her plate, piled high on one half, is the stuffing--the gd stuffing that I HATE putting in those shells! She squished out the stuffing and ate the shells. Oh hell no she didn't! I'm furious now. I yelled that she better never ask me to make her stuffed shells again. M's pissed that I was harsh. I'm pissed that he's pissed.

10. Went to get tape measurer out of utility drawer to find that it's not there. Again. L & Hunter are always getting tools and duct tape out of my utility drawer. Who knows where the tape measurer is--L sure doesn't. Furious at this point, because I really need to measure the nook in our kitchen where it goes, so I know what size I need. M finds another tape measurer in the basement work area. It is not my nice big one.

10. Drove to Best Buy to pick up a microwave. M doesn't like the stainless steel, so we go with white again. Back home. Still in a horrid mood. No longer want to eat, watch LOST, or talk to anyone. Ever.

11. Helped M get new microwave set up and working. Did dishes, cleaned kitchen, fed cats. Made up peanut butter crackers and snacks for the outside critters. While carrying them outside, dropped one of the peanut butter crackers, which of course hit and stuck to my jeans.

12. H & L are downstairs playing, so I decided to head upstairs to sulk in my misery. Since I'm there and the laptop is there, check e-mail. Oh my hell!! In my box is a message from Amazon that some software that I put up for sale on there almost three months ago just sold. I had forgotten about it. Made more $$ than the microwave cost us! The day is looking up suddenly. I may enjoy LOST after all.

13. Now--getting off computer. I'm feeling human enough to deal with others, so I'm off to do my bedtime reading and cuddling with my girl. That and a little time cuddling my furry babies should get me back to feeling pretty good by 10 pm, when we can watch LOST.

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