Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Two on Tuesday

Cute, random photo: M., Baxter, & L., who is wearing some spiffy blue eyeshadow and blogging.

I can see this is going to be really, really hard for me to stick with. I'm just not good with 'brief', but it will be a good exercise for me. I was always the one in college and grad school trying to make my papers shorter, rather than longer.

Okay, so today's two are two things that made me really happy today:

1. Listening to our very intelligent president's inauguration address. For the first time in eight years, I'm not ashamed to be American. Okay, I was a little ashamed after his address when the man gave his weird, ridiculous benediction. Jeebus! It would be nice to really catch up to the the rest of the developed countries and shake our fairy-tale roots! The benediction/prayer thing immediately following the address was a nightmare of idiocy. I don't even remember the guy's name, but I was scarred as a result of hearing it. Still it's awesome to have a president that I can be proud of. Yeah, I kind of cheated here by elaborating on something that doesn't fit the criteria of my two things 'rule'. I'm a rebel.

2. Receiving our Amazon order AND my sheet music order in the same day! I found the sheet music to Fifty Nifty (United States) online for $1.75. Now I won't have to hurt my daughter's ears by singing a cappella while I teach her the song AND I can teach her to play it on the piano later. M. needed to order a book for research for some presentations he will be giving this spring. I never order from Amazon until I get at least $25, because I will not pay for shipping when I can get it free. Because M. needed this ONE book right away, and it was under $25, I was forced to throw on a book that I've been wanting for some time and can't get from our library system: 'The Counter Creationism Handbook'. Just flipping through it briefly it rocks way more than I even thought it would! My science-y (yes Mark, it's a word now) friends--you will definitely want to borrow this book.

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