Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fiona & Fergus are here

<-- This is Fiona

<-- This is Fergus

<-- This is Sagan, our latest bird adoption. He's hanging out in the big cage here, but it's always open. The birds are never caged. He flies all over the room already, and has caught on to flying pretty quickly for a bird who spent his whole life in a TINY cage. Poor little guy has had a very rough life!

We went to the Humane Society yesterday to pick up Fiona and ended up bringing Fergus home, too. I prefer to have more than one of each species, so I intended to find Fiona a friend. Little Fergus was the only other rabbit there (although there were several in a foster home), and it was such a tiny cage, that I really wanted to get him out of there. We quickly tried a bunny date in one of the rooms there, and it went fairly well for a first date. Fergus was just neutered on Tuesday, though, so he still has his little boy hormones and an incision that needs to heal. This means that even though they are getting along quite well, they have to be separated when we are not with them. His little boy hormones make him want to hump her, which she doesn't particularly like, but she tolerates it fairly well. She was spayed several weeks ago, so we don't have to worry about babies. Because the hormones/humping we can't risk leaving them alone. If a fight did occur, it could rip his incision and be a huge disaster. He needs to be less active while he's healing, so he's in a big cage for now, while she has run of the room. They snuggle through the cage bars though, and it's just precious. He should be able to be out full time in a couple of weeks.

They are both very friendly, cuddly, and sweet. They are quite playful, too, and we've had lots of fun so far getting to know them. We found that they both love apples, though Fiona is a little piggy and tried to steal Fergus' apple. She seems to be more food oriented than he is. We love their personalities and are looking forward to getting to know them better and spending lots more time with them.

I just talked to Dej and am now beyond stressed! She's fine, and we're getting along great, but they've had some unexpected difficulties (not mine to share), and I feel very bad for them. I can't fix it, and worrying won't help, yet I will continue to do so for the rest of the night. I don't want to see them struggle, but with this economy, it seems inevitable. : (

Now I'm going downstairs to hang out with my man and my sweet dogs and rewatch the kick-ass LOST that we watched last night. That might help distract my mind from worrying about my child.

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