Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Lighthouse

The lighthouse was a pretty cool reveal! Another good LOST episode this week. I can't call it great, because it was Jack-centric, and he's my least favorite character. I can't say any more about it, though, because my parents haven't seen it yet.

Today was a better day than yesterday. I've reached my wit's end with this sinus headache. It has been bad--very painful--for over three weeks now. I'm so sick of the pain in my head and face and waking up feeling like I was hit by a car from the neck up. I called to schedule an appointment with my ENT doc, but I don't feel very hopeful at this point. I'm just tired and sick of feeling crappy. I keep telling myself I only have to make it for six more days. It's making me very crabby.

I ordered a yoga DVD recommended by a friend, and it came a few days ago. It's by Shiva Rae and looks really good. I'm really excited to try it out, but was waiting for my sinus pain to resolve itself, so I can participate without my head feeling like it's going to explode.

So yesterday I woke up after very little, low quality sleep. My head misery combined with all three of our dogs barking like maniacs over absolutely nothing, throughout the entire night, left me feeling worse than usual yesterday. I took enough drugs to melt large holes in my stomach and left for work. I wore my gray boots, which I totally am in love with. Sometimes they cheer me up.

I realized by the time I finished my walk to the building that it was going to be a very unpleasant day. Not because of my headache or the gradual sizzling away of my stomach lining. It was because of my damn socks. Black knee socks that were determined to fall down and bunch up all under my sole. It doesn't feel good at all to walk with an entire knee sock bunched up in the bottom of my knee-high boot, and I had to do a fair amount of walking. The problem was that after about five steps, the damn socks were back in the bottom of my boot. I would try to ignore it as long as I could, but then I would have to stop, unzip the boots, yank the socks up, enjoy another five bunch-free steps, and enjoyed this repeated pattern from 7:30 am when I left my house until 9:30 pm, when I returned home from my meeting and finally removed the socks from hell. Of course it had to be the day I had to walk to the capital and back, too--not fun at all!

Common sense says that I should just toss the socks, but I can't stand the idea of wasting a pair of hole-free socks that way! I don't seem to be able to determine before buying and wearing socks, if they will be bunchers from hell or not. Who knows how many pairs of socks I would have to buy to replace all of my current bunchers, because some of the new ones would bunch too, and it's just too wasteful to contemplate. In the meantime, I will try to at least remember not to wear any of my known bunchers with knee-high boots, as that's just too nasty to have to go through again.

I wasn't feeling much happier after I returned from the capital either. Though, I don't think I've ever left that building feeling anything other than frustration, rage, or disgust. I went to attend a public hearing on "the windchill bill" (AB 747), which I mistakenly thought would not be opposed. I was wrong, and should have known better. The hunters/NRA objected to the bill, which attempts to make animal abuse in front of children a felony. What the hell the hunters and NRA violence mongers have vested in fighting this bill stumped me initially. Then the whole pathetic issue was brought to light. People convicted of felonies cannot hunt or own guns. They objected to the crime being classified as a felony, rather than a misdemeanor, because it would make it impossible for those felons to hunt and kill. Aren't they just a lovely group. I left the hearing and returned to work feeling despondent over the state of the human race and depressed over the hopeless uselessness of our legal system. I was so angry and filled with rage (with no outlet!), that the bunchy socks just seemed like adding insult to injury.

I made it though the work day, got home, fed the animals, and left again for a meeting. M had a speaking engagement, so I took L with me. She sat by me and read. She was well behaved. But, she had gas. When I say she had gas, it is the equivalent of calling the Grand Canyon a valley. Her insides are pure 'D' (my husband's last name). I don't understand how the three of us can eat the exact same things, but what comes out of those two smells so much worse than anything you could possibly imagine. It's just not normal to smell that way. I am not kidding and not exaggerating when I say that I smelled a stench worse than death for the entire two-hour-plus meeting. I was furious! It was just more than anyone should have to endure. I was disgusted and felt guilty and bad motherish for being so disgusted. I'm disgusted now even thinking back to it. It was sheer torture.

As I was venting to M later, in all seriousness, and almost in tears. He laughed. He didn't just laugh, but he doubled over and laughed his ass off for a really long time. I'm pretty sure I saw him wiping moisture from his eyes, too! Thanks for understanding, dude. My stomach was upset from the long-term stench exposure! It may be funny in a few days or when I recover from the olfactory anguish, but it sure as hell wasn't funny last night! There has to be a cure for this. I realize that it does sound funny, but it is so not! I've suffered and would like a little sympathy for it.

L continues to take lots of interesting pictures and videos with her camera. She especially loves to take pictures of Botswana. I've developed a little bit of concern about the flash going off near his tiny little eyes so often. I don't know if it can damage his little eyes or cause him headaches or something, but it just doesn't seem like that much bright light would be a good thing for him. She really likes to take close-up photos of the animals' faces. I'm trying to encourage her to take as many as she can with natural light, so they don't have to deal with so many flashes.

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