Monday, February 01, 2010


We didn’t have L’s dance class on Sunday, as her dance school was performing at the Celebrating Youth event at the Monona Terrace. We went to support her school and because we thought she and Hunter would really enjoy all of the activities and performances. It was quite a nice event, but the little ones were on the lethargic side and didn’t really want to do any of the activities. There were tons of them, and they would have been totally a blast. I was so annoyed that they passed by all the fun stuff and didn’t do any of it. That meant that I didn’t get to do any of it, and I wasn’t happy about it. They did feel the need to go into the gift shop before we could leave the building.

This was the first time that any of us were in that building. I drive by it every work day but had never gone in. The view is fantastic!

The group that performed after Kalaanjali was a group of unicyclers. I’m sure they had an official name, but I didn’t catch it. There was only one girl out there but about 15-20 boys. I found that interesting. It was very cool to watch the kids. I was impressed that they could ride them period, but then they did all kinds of tricks and stunts on them. It made me want to take up unicycling, though with my coordination problems, that would probably end really badly.

My work day (today) was dominated by a very long, contentious meeting. It is not unusual these days for meetings to go south. Everyone’s stressed. There’s not enough money, not enough staff, and a little too much ego. It can make for some unpleasant meetings. I hate it. I especially hate it when I like both of the warring parties and/or they are both from IT. I view these people as my team and really don’t like to see any of them hurt or embarrassed. Usually when this type of thing occurs, the people who are not engaged in battle all sit there looking down, trying to blend into the wall. It is awkward and embarrassing for everyone in the room.

Today’s meeting turned out a little differently. The aggressor started in on an analyst, and as usual, people started to look away, shuffle things nervously, etc. One woman, a user and key stakeholder took everyone by surprise when she sighed loudly, grabbed her things and walked to the door. She turned and said that she did not need to sit in a meeting where people are being unkind and unprofessional. The aggressor quickly said she agreed (not seeing the irony at all) and the keeper-of-the-heuvos gave her a very pointed look, like, “Really?” Everyone in the room agreed with her, and she sat back down and the meeting continued. I’ve never seen anyone react that way in all of the years I’ve spent in meetings that have degenerated at times, to cursing and name calling! I was so impressed with her polite but firm way of handling it. It completely shut down the ugly! She later passed me a note asking if she was too rude about it. I assured her that she was faaaar from rude and significantly improved the tone of the meeting. I like that woman!

Now that L has completely settled in her new bedroom, she has started her art wall. This is what it looked like as of yesterday. She's added more since then.

Oh, and fuck CBS. I will never watch anything on that hypocritical network again! Homophobic anti-choice bastards. Boycott CBS!!


Kathy said...

ok what did I miss here what did CBS say or do????

VeganMom said...

This year, during the superbowl, CBS agreed to run an ad sponsored by a right-wing fundie (misogynistic) group featuring the fuckwit Tim Tebow and his waste of a mother, spewing false information for the anti-woman, anti-child, anti-choice crew. Some of the 'facts' of the Tebow situation have proven to be false, but make for a very inspiring story (however fictional it may be). Fundies have never allowed 'little' things like facts (and science!) to get in the way.

They rejected an ad 4-5 years ago, sponsored by the UU church that stated simply that they embraced everyone. Though very tasteful, because a portion of those included in the UU's "everyone" included homosexuals, CBS deemed it too controversial. They claimed that the superbowl is not the place for any controversy whatsoever, and it seeks only to bring people together. This year, they also refused an ad by Mancrunch, a gay dating service. The ad was quite humorous. They again, busted out their dishonest "controversial" cannard. Clearly, to CBS, contraversial = gay. Right-wing hate mongers, however, are just dandy fine with CBS.

I can certainly understand them wishing to avoid controversial topics but the disingenuous pretense that abortion issues are not personal is just ridiculously hypocritical!