Monday, February 08, 2010

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow!!

L spends more and more time these days on making her fashion statements. She spends time in her room, trying on different outfits and different hairstyles. She has a very unique way of putting things together. Much of it is based on something she saw her sister wear. She sees Dej as the very epitome of coolness, and she notices every single detail about Dej’s appearance.

There is one exception, though. Dej lives in skinny jeans and L refuses to wear them. She doesn’t like the feel of them and said she needs room to move her legs around. I personally love to wear skinny jeans. That’s all I wore “back in the day”. The size of my current skinnies is about double what it was last time I wore them, but I still like them. I think they are cute and comfy and I think L would be really cute in them. Maybe she’ll come around.

Last week, she went through several outfits per day, each of which had accessory and hair changes as well. Friday’s final selection was extremely weather inappropriate, so we had words about that. She assured me that she would be fine in her spaghetti-strap tank and knee-length capris. The temp was in the 20’s and was snowy. She finally capitulated and put on a pair of jeans. She kept the tank. That was our compromise.

She has taken to wearing her keys hooked on her belt loop with a carabineer, because Dej always does that. What’s particularly cute is that at 10, she doesn’t actually have any keys on her ring. She has several little ‘keychains’, a tiny flashlight, and a little compass. No keys.

Thursday night, when Dej came over, she had just come from her exercise class. She worked out in black leggings, and then threw a pair of jeans over them and came over. They were ratty jeans and had a hole in the knee, through which the black leggings were visible. L’s Friday jeans were selected specifically because they had an unpatched hole in the knee. She wore black leggings under the jeans. Then, I guess to show she still has her very own sense of style, she decided to tie a blue belt around her leg, right above the hole. You can’t see the hole with leggings in this shot, but they are there.

The shirt is an old one of Dej's, and L is so excited that she can wear it. Her little dog tag is from Primate Freedom Project. It's a very cool fundraiser!

She has taken to wearing her keys hooked on her belt loop with a carabineer, because Dej always does that. What’s particularly cute is that at 10, she doesn’t actually have any keys on her ring. She has several little ‘keychains’, a tiny flashlight, and a little compass. No keys.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

she is rocking the fashion!! really goes by the beat of her own drummer thats for sure and its so cute Kahjae's fashion statement currently is using hair bands to tie her shirts at the side or in back she is so funny and also goes by the beat of her own drummer.