Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Substitute

Mark is gone again, and this time he took my girl with him. He’s speaking in the Chicago area, so they are staying with his parents. L was excited about going to spend some time with her grandparents. I wonder how Tica will do without her bunkmate tonight.

Dej came over this afternoon, after I returned from work, to watch Tuesday night’s LOST with me. I saw it last night, and it was so juicy, I was up half the night contemplating the new information. M will want to watch it again when he gets back, so I’ll be watching this episode three times. That doesn’t bother me at all. I’m sure I will notice things I missed each time I watch. This episode was a treat—def. one of my favorites.

Locke/MIB (man in black) is really bringing it this season! Damn, Terry O’Quinn can act! I still love my Locke, whether he turns out to be good, bad, or otherwise! This week’s Locke-centric episode was such a treat for me, as I never get enough Locke. For some reason, his character affects me deeply and I feel his pain and humiliation acutely. When his character is happy, it makes me giddy. I have always enjoyed the dynamic between the two characters, Ben & Locke, and this was a particularly enjoyable encounter.

The numbers!! Did you all catch the numbers next to each name in that cave where Locke/MIB took Sawyer? That was exciting! I love the idea of the numbers and the Valenzetti equation, so it was a thrill to see the numbers again used in a completely different way. The journey down to the cave—I’m pretty sure I would never attempt. Now I am left wondering how they hell they will get back up the cliff, considering that the crappy little ladders broke on the way down. I have always enjoyed the interaction between Locke & Sawyer, so I'm glad they have paired up.

I like to see the calm, confident, perfectly sane and happy Hurley that we are seeing in the alternate timeline (off island).

Who is the little boy that Locke/MIB and Sawyer saw, and why didn’t Richard see him? I’m theorizing that the boy is a young Jacob, or perhaps an older Aaron. I’m also really curious to find out what they are referring to by ‘candidate’. A candidate for what?! My guess on the whole point of the show is that we are not seeing a showdown between good and evil, but something a little more ambiguous like maybe fate vs. free will and/or science vs. faith, and we are currently watching both sides try to recruit for their own preferred outcome. One side isn’t good and one isn’t bad, but they need to work together for balance. Since there are only a few short weeks left, I will have my answers soon enough.

L picked this chew toy up for Chloe back when we first got her. She had no prior experience with toys, and we were trying everything to get her interested in playing and chewing. She wasn’t interested in this particular toy and Daisy and Jezi weren’t interested, so it has been lying around, unused since then. I’m not even sure where it ended up. Somehow, Jezebel found the toy last week, and it has become her best friend. She carries it everywhere! Even when we let her outside to go potty, she drops it into Mark's or my hand and retrieves it from us as soon as she comes back in. She gets really excited when she makes it squeak. She's really cute with her new best friend.

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