Tuesday, February 09, 2010

What Kate Does

L dragged me out to Michael’s last week, while M was gone. She was determined to get a new house for Botswana right THEN and couldn’t wait. She already has several houses for him that she switches, when she cleans his cage out, in an effort to keep him from getting bored. We’re always trying to come up with new ways to provide stimulation and enrichment for our critters. She saw some very cute wooden birdhouses that were pretty cheap. They are meant to be decorated, so they are just plain wood and quite inexpensive. She picked a very cute one—a good size with a cute little front porch and lots of windows. He loves his new house! He looks absolutely precious when we call his name and he peeks his little head out the front door.

She also forced me to buy her some vinyl wall stickers for her room. ;-) She knows I’m an easy target when her dad’s gone. I feel badly that she misses him, and I’m usually extra tired and stressed, which weakens my resistance to her. We put the stickers up on her wall. They do look cute, but I don’t really understand why she always wants cat posters, stickers, figurines, etc., when we have a house literally full of real cats. You can’t walk five feet in our house without tripping over a cat, but apparently that’s not enough for her.

She and M are already planning for their big St. Patrick’s day festivities. I also noticed when I was in her room taking pics of her new wall stickers, that she has decorated her room for St. Patrick’s day and maybe Easter? I’m not sure if the pink chicks in the hats are there because they are cute or because she’s trying to do some kind of holiday-fusion decorating.

I also noticed that she has decorated her bedroom door differently, but I didn't get pictures of that and I'm too lazy to get up and do it now. I have to have everything done and get prepared to watch LOST at 9:15, when Dej & Luke get here!

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