Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Not much going on...

My work week is done--thank god! I don't have nearly enough time to spend with Harley and the kittens when I have to work all day. It's a huge bummer, though, that L. is in summer school on Th. & Fri. during the day. I will miss our day time together. She is taking Spanish, Magic & Juggling, Physical Education, and swim lessons. She goes to classes from 8:00-11:30, and swim is from 1:30-2:15, so school is taking up a huge chunk of the day. She is liking some things about school but not everything. She has brought some of her magic tricks home to practice, and it's so cute. She loves Criss Angel (who wouldn't!!), so the magic thing is even more appealing. I hope she's not expecting to have Criss Angel type magic after her six week class!

Our foster cats continue to improve every day, but the kittens' eyes are not improving very quickly. I'm going to have to give the vet a call Friday to see if the recovery is normally this slow. Harley is such a sweetie and lives for the time we spend in the room with her. I wish I could just let them out, but that would not work well at this point. I no longer have any good leads on permanent homes for them. The two promising ones I had have fallen through. I spend a lot of time stressing over that. Now Ivan has started making weird noises, and I think he may have a hairball stuck but am a little worried that he's having heart problems or something. I don't know why, other than heart problems can make you kind of cough weirdly, and I'm so paranoid of my babies getting sick. No new kitten pics yet. I was kind of hoping their little eyes would start to look more normal first, but it seems it will be a while. I am going to take photos tomorrow, for sure, since I don't have to work. :)

L. is asleep, and Mark is waiting downstairs for me to come watch a season 2 episode of LOST. I'm a bit crabby and sore today, so if I blog too much more, it will no doubt turn into bitching. A little relaxation with the hubby will be nice. I've barely seen him lately!

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