Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Two on Tuesday

Two things I'm doing tonight (instead of spending time blogging):

1. Freaking the hell out over our upcoming vacation (leaving Thurs). Lots of lists, packing, stress, cuddling my babies, putting addresses into the GPS, and wondering which necessary item I will end up forgetting this time.

2. Taking a short break from #1 to research a beauty product I just saw advertised on CNN. It magically removes dark circles from under eyes, and as we all see, I'm in dire need of such a product. The layers of concealer doesn't do nearly enough! I know. The odds of a product that's advertised on tv actually doing something that awesome for me are not very good. But they offer a free trial, so...off I go.

I will take a quick extra minute here to post some pics from our garden last night.

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