Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wouldn't you love to name this little sweetie?!?

L. drew this picture of pup, before she got to see her, based on a verbal description of her. She decided that pup would be called Pepper. I don't exactly know why, though. For now, she's pup-pup. She's absolutely in love with Luciana. The rest of us barely rate a glance, because she's much to busy gazing at and following L. The kids have been having a blast with her!
Tonight, before dinner, we went to the library. I still have plenty from our last trip, but L is out of books again. L & H checked out a HUGE stack of books again, and she will probably be finished with them all in about a week!

I was horrified to see a big pro-circus display in the library, complete with big stuffed tigers and such to attract the attention of children. I was so pissed, I texted Allegrea right away to get her pissed off with me--it's much more fun to be angry with a friend than alone. We will have to come up with an action plan to address that for sure. We're both too tired to come up with anything worthwhile tonight, though.
H is spending the night, because it's the first weeknight of the summer that L hasn't had to get up early for either summer school or college for kids. Somehow the children felt that this was a significant night that should be celebrated with a sleepover.

The kids played outside from dinner until bedtime. It's a beautiful night! They spend so much time in that little 'tree fort'. They have very strange things up there 'decorating it' and they do strange things up there. Lately they've been really into bringing 'supplies' up and down with the bucket and a rope. It's pretty cute! The pup, who cannot bear to be separate from L, spent the whole time sitting up in the tree house in a lawn chair. She was as happy as she could be up there!

L is really excited about that little birdhouse (top right of picture). M put it up for her a couple of weeks ago, and there is already a nest and a family in there. We haven't yet determined what type of bird it is, but we'll keep watching.

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