Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Two on Tuesday

We got a very unexpected foster pup last night. We were not prepared, and the timing couldn't be worse, but she's here. She's absolutely wonderful! I will have pictures soon, and she will be ready to go to a loving forever home next week. I have to say that I usually do not particularly like small dogs. They seem to frequently be ill-mannered, obnoxious, and bark-y. They're very cute, and I love them, but I don't tend to enjoy spending time with them. This little girl, though tiny, has the calm, sweet disposition of a big dog, and she hardly barks at all! Just be prepared for the pics later this week, because her cuteness will knock your socks off!

Okay, so I was thinking that while I typed the last paragraph a "Two" would come to me, because it is Tuesday, and I haven't yet had time to come up with an idea. After staring blankly at the wall for three minutes or so, I'm going to have to give up and go with pictures--my lazy way out. :)

My two favorite shots from our Rotary Gardens visit Sunday:

1. Gallardia 'Sundance BiColor'

2. One of many clusters of blooms covering a catalpa tree. I think they look very orchid-ish. I know...it's not a word, but there isn't a real word that gets the point across so easily.

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