Friday, September 25, 2009


Thursday was our first appointment at the doggy pool. L & I took all three dogs, Jezebel, Daisy, and Chloe, to Dunkin' Dogs for a one-hour swim session. I wasn't sure what to expect, and none of the dogs has ever been swimming (at least since we've adopted them).

The first challenge was driving across town with all three dogs in the backseat of the Corolla. Unfortunately, there are only two windows in the back, so that caused a lot of shuffling around back there, as each tried to get a window. We made it safely, but it was a wild ride!

Chloe started us off just superbly by walking through the door and proceeding to pee all over the floor. Since none of the girls were expert swimmers, they all got a life jacket. They were definitely scared at first and not particularly willing to enter the water. They had to be tossed into the pool. They went one at a time, and Nancy stays in the pool the entire time. I sat on the edge and helped with getting them in and out. I was also their cheering section, encouraging each little swimmer and clapping and making a big production when they got back to the edge.

Nancy walked back and forth, guiding each dog, as they paddled with all their might. They were SO cute! Daisy, when left to her own power just swims in a little circle over and over. Jezi and Chloe were better able to keep to a straight line. I was completely soaked, as I was in the pool and holding the dogs, and so was Luce. By the end of their hour session, those three dogs were exhausted. It was a lot of fun, and my only regret is that I forgot my camera and got no pictures. I'm definitely taking it next time!

They have another appointment in two weeks, and we will continue going regularly. We're hoping that regular swimming will help with Chloe's hip displaysia and help her to lose weight. Minimally, though, it will get the girls in good shape and provide some variety and excitment to their lives.

We came home, cleaned up, ate a quick lunch and then went to meet with a woman who does guinea pig rescue. L is going to adopt some guinea pigs from her, so we were meeting the piggies and looking at her very cool homemade giant cages. She took in 8 rescue piggies earlier in the week, and two of the pregnant ones (there may be three more that are still pregnant!) gave birth the night before, so we got to see the little piggies who were less than 24 hours old. They were SO cute! We were shocked by how big they are. They were about the size of a newborn kitten, and given the size of an adult guinea pig compared to an adult cat, I can't imagine how those poor tiny mommies can carry four giant babies! Their eyes were fully open, and they were running around already.
<-- This is one of the girls L is hoping to adopt.

1 comment :

MB said...

Andy Thren would be so proud.