Monday, September 14, 2009


I took a picture of this new quilt yesterday, (which I found on clearance sale!) because I just love it! I love the toile design, the colors, the weight, the quilting, the texture. It will never look this beautiful again, and I want to remember it in its glory--the first day I put it on. It will, very soon, be stained, ripped, and nasty. Our quilts get heavy usage and frequent washing, so they have a pretty short lifespan. Last night, a few short hours after I took the picture, I managed to spill blue nail polish remover all over the it. I think I got it washed out, but the next spill is just around the corner.

I’m a plant-sale widow again, so the few brief moments M is home, he’s so worn out from overworking that he’s immediately sleeping. He’s working long days, seven days a week. Again. Besides missing my partner, I get very frustrated watching him do this to himself repeatedly!

He was out cold within about five minutes of getting L settled into bed. We were going to watch a movie Dej had brought over for us, and I hadn’t even started the movie when he started snoring! I sent him to bed, knowing he had to be up early Sunday morning to put in another long day. Dej and her new ‘friend’ came over and kept me company for a few hours. I went up to bed at around 1:00, because I was tired, but didn’t do very well with sleep.

I notice that many of the nights that I am unable to sleep, the cats are noisy and disturb me a lot. It’s tempting to assume I don’t sleep because they tear around like little maniacs all night long. I suspect, though, that they are behaving as they normally do, but since I’m wakeful and frustrated, I notice it more than when I’m sleeping peacefully.

I wasn’t feeling quite ready to discuss this topic, but I guess it’s time, considering that I mentioned Dej and her ‘friend’. She has broken up with Joe, and he is no longer living there. I’m not happy about it. M & I love Joe and his mom and wish they would have been able to work it out. I never had delusions that (at their young ages) this was for life, but we did hope they would stay together until she finished school. I’m extra sad for my poor little grandkitties, who have suffered the trauma of a relationship ending and don’t understand where Joe went. They were very close to him. I’m still mourning the loss, which is a tough adjustment, particularly since I’m not thrilled with her current replacement.

My spawn, keeper of all knowledge in the universe, is annoyed that I am sad and haven’t just moved on and bonded with the current beau. Apparently I am supposed to instantly accept and love whoever she brings over. I’m supposed to ignore or at least not share any gut instincts or warning signs I get about the new partner. Then, when she’s done with them, out of the clear blue, I’m supposed to be happy about it and move on to the next and no longer care about what happens to the person who had been included as “part of the family”. I lack the ability to change my emotions on a dime—loving and unloving on command, and I guess the parents of adults are supposed to have that skill. This sucks.

I did manage to have a little fun when Dej left herself logged into Facebook on my laptop. I made some very special posts for her and modified some choice bits of her profile. It was pretty funny to me at the time. I was doubled over laughing, unable to breath, as I watched her face as she read my handiwork on her profile and the comments “she” made. I’m enjoying it now, because she informed me that when I least expect it, she will get me back. So…if my FB comments start to seem even weirder than usual or something like that, it’s probably my richly deserved payback.

M made it home from work Sunday night just in time for family movie night. We usually kind of take the summer off, because we’d rather she play outside than watch a movie. This Sunday was extra special though, because the new Scooby movie that L had been so excited about was premiering. We’ve seen all of the Scooby movies and shows a few times. The new movie was okay. It didn’t rock my world, but she enjoyed it.

Another sleepless night followed. L Maybe tonight will be the night I finally get some rest!

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