Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Two on Tuesday

The critters that live with us have such a knack for making me smile/laugh, which I especially appreciate on a dreary, ugly day like today.

Two things they did that brought happy sunshine into my day today:

1. When the cats hear me gathering and filling their bowls, they get ridiculously excited. Twice a day, every day, as soon as they hear me grab their bowls (and no matter how hard I try to be quiet about it, they ALWAYS hear), they start running around like little maniacs, sharpening their claws, climbing like kittens, in anticipation of their meal. Seeing their unbridled joy over the simple bowl of food tickles me completely. It's impossible not to smile!

2. I love to see the lineup of furry little cat and dog rear ends, side by side, waching the little vole outside. The vole makes repeated trips to the bowl of cat food I have outside (to feed the strays), climbs into the bowl grabs one piece, and then runs back to its little hidey hole in the garden. The vole is very diligent and will make this trip 20-30 times, all while the cats and dogs have their little faces pressed up to the door, wishing they could get to that vole who is a mere 8 inches away. This is why my side door is always covered with nose prints. Sometimes there will be up to six of them lined up in this little entryway. Mark was quick with the camera, and got a pic that shows the cute little vole (look closely, just to the left of the food dish), along with Chloe and Petey, who were enjoying the show.

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