Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Two on Tuesday

I think the weather (dark, cool, and rainy) is bumming me out today. I've had a pretty decent week, except for the whole getting up early for work crap. I'm feeling abandoned and unneeded by my daughters tonight. I'm glad they both have friends and fun that they can enjoy without me, but do they have to enjoy life without me so very often?! At least my non-human babies want to spend all their time with me!

Two cool things we did this week:

1. We finally got to watch 'Knowing'. We wanted to see it when it was at the theater but just never came up with the time. It came in Saturday's mail, so we watched it on Sunday. It was good, and I am NOT a Nicholas Cage fan. We both enjoyed it quite a bit.

2. Luciana started Bharatanatyam class on Sunday. I even typed Bharatanatyam without looking up the spelling, and it has taken a lot of work to remember the correct spelling! That's the Sanskrit word for a style of Indian classical dance. I'm not thrilled about the fact that we have to drive almost an hour (one way) to get there, but I'm glad we are able to give L that experience. It's so good for her in many ways, and I'm learning a lot too. Everything about it is different from what she's used to. She's taken ballet in the past. We found many bad or mediocre ballet teachers, but only one good one, and she moved away after college! We finally just gave up on dance, until now. She will not only learn an intriguing style of dance, but also much about a different culture, Hinduism, and Sanskrit. Her teacher is kind but demanding, which is so good for L. She needs someone who isn't afraid to hold her accountable. While there are other white American students at the school, there are no others in her class. I think it's very good and enlightening for her to have the experience of being the only one of her kind, in a place where everyone looks different, dresses different, speaks different, and follows different cultural norms from what she's used to. She is loving it so far, and is very excited about the gorgeous clothing she gets to wear for both practices and performances. And now she's ready to work on her Sanskrit memorization, so I'm needed (Yay!!). The pic is of her teacher Meenakshi (from her website)--how gorgeous is she and her outfit?!