Sunday, May 06, 2007

And sadly, the weekend ends

Luciana and I were working on crafts, and she told me not to look at what she was working on until it was done. When she finished and showed it to me, she said, "Mommy, look! I made you the Twilight Zone." I didn't even need to be told that. Just in case I wasn't clear on what it was, though, she made sure to write it on the back of the picture, "Twilite Sone".

Sundays are always very sad days for me, because I know I have to go back to work on Monday. I have most of Luciana's homeschool work done for the week. I just need to write up her reading comprehension questions. This will be her first week on poetry memorization. She picked a poem by Emily Dickinson, who has always been one of my favorites. I thought she would pick something by Lewis Carroll, as he's pretty silly and fun, and she really likes Alice in Wonderland, but she liked E.D.--probably because of all the nature themes. She's supposed to be cleaning her toy table in the living room, but it looks a lot more like playing than cleaning. I should have weeded today but it was 60 degrees and cloudy all day--very dreary and depressing, so I didn't get weed. I did get a lot done yesterday. Not nearly enough, but enough to really, really make my hands hurt!

Yesterday (Sat.) Mark was in Milwaukee for the day, giving a talk on hostas. He got home around 5:00, and was pretty tired after an already long day. Luciana was, once again, the only child that was at gymnastics. She was pretty silly again. It was just Luciana and Bree, and she gets giddy from all the attention. The girls and I had to run errands after gymnastics, including a stop at Ben Franklin's, which is having its "going out of business" sale. It wasn't a great sale, and they didn't have anything spectacular. The girls each picked out a couple of things for art/crafts, and I got some fun buttons.

Last night was date night. Luciana stayed overnight at my parents', and Dejanique stayed at a friend's. We ran to Kohl's to get Mark an outfit and then went to dinner. We got to El Jardin to find it was packed full with people and a long wait. We decided not to stay and went to Pizza Hut (not good at all). In hindsight, we realized that Jardin was so packed because of Cinco de Mayo. We went to Denny & Susan's after that for our own Cinco de Mayo party. We had fun there, but the long drive home always sucks.

Mark's planning to watch Eragon later--he rented it today, and I will get my grading done and finish up writing the final exam, provided Luciana gets to sleep at a reasonable time.

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