Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Doorky Dogy

This is a dingo. Luciana wanted to sit on the patio and draw tonight, rather than playing a game. She had a book from the library on showing how to draw animals step-by-step. It claimed to be easy--yeah, right. She picked a dingo for us to draw. I've certainly never tried to draw a dingo before. After a great deal of erasing, we each finished our drawing. She was pretty unhappy with hers and was upset that it wasn't as good as mine (and no, mine was not good!). I pointed out the obvious--that I had many more years of practice with drawing, my fine-motor skills were more developed than hers (followed by my attempt to distract her with detailed explanations of brain development and muscle control). She was not comforted. She just crumpled into sobs of disappointment that her dingo was ugly. I really do think it's cute and she did a good job. I want to reiterate that these were NOT easy! I was really sad that our pleasant time outside on a perfect night was ruined for her. I finally got her feeling better by bedtime, and she was back to her usual giggly self again. She did find time, however, to label her picture. We haven't yet had "dorky" or "doggy" as spelling words :)

Dejanique is working tonight until 9. We found out today that little miss happy pants decided to skip part of the school day yesterday, after forging a note from her father that said she had a dentist appointment. Clever. I'm surprised it took her this long to try the forged note. She will be getting in trouble at school tomorrow, as Mark informed them that he did not write that note. She reassured us today that it was "no biggie" because she didn't miss anything--really, she checked with all her teachers today. Oh, good. I feel so much better. What a turd! Back on lockdown we go, so she will be spreading her sunshine around here again for the foreseeable future. I really don't understand why she thinks she would get away with this, as as ALWAYS track her absences and call to check on anything that is odd or unaccounted for. Teenagers truly are delusional!

My parents have finished season 2 of LOST and are chomping at the bit for season 3. Soon, they will be caught up so we can actually talk about it.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Tell Miss Lucianna that she made a very nice Dingo!! she did a great job... where's yours?? You guys do so much stuff I wouldn't think of doing drawing is not one of my strong points I assure you.