Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My lack of knowledge sucks!

Luciana is so good at making me feel stupid! I like to think I'm a fairly intelligent, well-educated person. I try to learn new things every single day. Yet my child asks me so many questions every day that I cannot answer. Probably on average, I say, "I don't know. We'll have to look it up.", three times a day or so. I certainly don't mind looking things up and learning, but it overwhelms me to be constantly reminded of just how much I don't know!

L. Today: "Who invented braces?"
Me: "I don't know. We'll have to look it up."
It was a French man, named Paul Fauchard, in 1728.

L. Today: "Mommy, you know those ancient guys who wore ferns like this **showing me by putting ferns, ripped from the garden, over each ear**? How long do they last?"
Me: "You mean the Greeks--the ones who wore the togas that look like sheets?"
L.: "Yeah! Why did they do that?"
Me: "Even though they look like ferns, they are a made from a plant called acanthus. I guess they made them, because they thought it looked nice, just like we wear hats or jewelry."
L.: "But how long did they last?"
Me: "I would guess not very long, but I don't know if they did something special to preserve them. Ask Daddy, he might know." **He didn't, so...** "Let's look it up later."
I still haven't been able to find the answer to that one.

Dejanique had to work tonight--just got home. She "fixed a whole wall of jeans and made them perfect." Okay, super, but she can't pick up the clothing littering her entire bedroom floor?

We spent from after dinner until bedtime working out in the garden. A lot of weeding and a little planting. We got our veggies and cantaloupe planted tonight. We have a few left to plant, but those are going in containers to speed up the crop. We still haven't gotten our soil for containers. Since Luciana's plants far exceed the space in her garden, we gave her a second garden area. We moved the vegetable garden from the back yard to the south side of the house, and planted only cantaloupe in the old veggie garden. She gets the remainder of the old veggie garden, which should give her plenty of space for plants. I'm betting it's a lot more space than she will weed. While we were working in the old veggie garden tonight, a sphynx moth walked up my arm. We looked at it, and then I gave it to her to look at it closer and hold. No sooner did it get on her arm, than it peed/pooped (not sure which--I'll have to look it up) down her arm. We had a good laugh at that one. The moth seemed pretty content to hang out with us, even after we put it down. We left her in a safe spot, in a patch of weeds I have not yet attacked, when we came in for bed.

Our Sweetie-cat continues to become more sweet, loving, and brave every day. I was able to get her a vet check tomorrow after work. By the end of the week (unless we get unexpected bad health news) she will be in her forever home. It's going to be SO HARD to give her up! She has the coolest personality, and she's a talker, which I just love. She's been crying for me at the bedroom door, and it's just killing me to keep her separated like this. The girls and I keep going in to sit with her, so she isn't lonely, but she just wants to be with the rest of us all the time. She's also VERY curious about the other cats outside her door. Pictures of her cuteness tomorrow!

Les was interviewed by the Janesville Gazette about the upcoming Zor Shrine circus. Yea Les! We (WAEN) have protested/battled them every year, and I'm pretty sure we feel an equal antipathy toward one another. I'm excited to see how the interview came off and how they present the story. We'll be thrilled with even remotely fair coverage and are nervously hoping they didn't butcher her words too much. The Gazette is notorious for screwing up and rephrasing, so that your printed words bear little resemblance to your spoken words.

Love-in-a-Mist (nigella) is one of my favorite annuals. First of all, what a cool name. Second, it's EASY. Just toss seeds in the garden and forget about them. They reseed themselves, so you will have them in perpetuity, but they're not invasive. I went out to take a pic of one of the roses--Double Delight, but these were calling my name.

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