Wednesday, May 02, 2007

LOST day!

Yep - another Wednesday--my favorite. LOST is taping right now, and we will watch it at 10, when it's done. Mark is picking Dejanique up from Brandon's, and Luciana should be asleep but isn't. She's snuggling next to me in bed, as I type away. We just returned from the Rock Prairie Band concert at UW Rock County. We really needed to go to the grocery store, as we have no more fresh produce in the house, but the concert sounded much more enjoyable. We had a nice time. There was a young girl (college student) who had her conducting debut tonight, and she was so cute to watch. I also got to see a former student, Scott, playing baritone saxophone.

Luciana drew some lovely pictures during the concert. She managed to get all of our critters on one small 5x7 page. I was pretty impressed that she got the two dogs, five cats, rabbit, guinea pig, and 7 birds on there! Too cute!

Dejanique had her job interview tonight. She looked beautiful. She felt like it went well, and she wasn't nervous at all. She said they would let her know by Monday... I called her between school and her interview, on my way home from work, to go over some common interview questions with her. Mark had already covered some with her. I guess great minds think alike :)

Petey just jumped in my lap and stopped me--he had one of his cuddle need moments. That's also how most of my mornings start. Somewhere between 4 and 5, he gets this overwhelming need to have a cuddle, so he jumps up on the bed (loudly) and flops himself over on my face. He proceeds to purr loudly, while I cuddle and snuggle him. I really hate to be woken up earlier than I have to be, because I rarely can get back to sleep. It's impossible to ignore or push away a cute little guy who needs his cuddles so badly! Anyway, if he doesn't wake me, Mark's alarm going off every nine minutes for the hour between 4 and 5 will. I guess Petey's the better option of the two. Oliver, Baxter and Jasper are here in bed, taking their 9-10:30 snooze, so they have enough energy to tear around, wrestle, and destroy the house later tonight (with Petey of course). Ivan is in the stairwell window, patrolling the driveway. He likes that spot, as he can see me, outside, and into the neighbors windows. It's the perfect spot for my control-freak guard cat.

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