Thursday, May 17, 2007

When your mom wants to take a picture dammit,

you let her take your picture! Yes, Dejanique. That means you. I gave you life. I even birthed you naturally, yet it's oh, too much to ask for a picture of you on your first day of work. Well, that's fine, as I'm a good improviser. Yeah, that's right, if you had only let me get one good picture, I wouldn't have had to use your self-portrait (the one that everyone but you likes). So here it is--another contraband surreptitious scan of the artwork.

She made it through the first day of training. It was "long and boring" (three hours and forty-five minutes), and she "just watched films". I can see how that would be long and boring. I'm sure it will get more interesting soon. She looked beautiful in her work clothes (the grandma clothes), by the way. I will keep trying for a picture, as evidence that the child does wear something other than jeans.

My doctor's appointment this morning didn't reveal much and didn't offer much hope. I have to go back tomorrow for a CT scan, which I am totally dreading. Pending the results of tomorrow's scan, they can offer me bigger and badder prescriptions. Now there's a surprise--a western medicine practicioner offering you a lifetime of prescription medication dependence. I think I'll pass on that one. The pharmaceutical industry, who owns, sponsors, and controls western medicine, is running the greatest scam of all time. A country full of comfortably numb drug addicts sure can't/won't fight back. It's maniacally brilliant actually. I choose not to participate in their legal addiction campaign. Let them create misery via chemical poisoning--I can't stop that, but I'll be damned if I'm going to put anymore money into their twisted, evil pockets. Yeah, I'm on a tangent and I'm pissed. They are seriously one of the most evil, powerful entities in our country and government today, and that is saying a lot! When I'm feeling less pissy and less lazy, I will put some interesting links out on this topic.

I went out for lunch with my friend, Pat, today. He's back from the West Coast. The company was good. The food--eh. I so envy his ability to be more militant and active in the movement than I am currently able to be. I'm not a good position for that right now, but once my kids are out and taking good care of themselves--maybe then.

After lunch Luciana and I played a ton of math games, practiced piano, and had some independent reading time. She did a great job memorizing her first poem and her list of helping verbs. We will pick out a new poem tomorrow. She also told me that she needs more verbs to learn. I explained that the helping verbs were special, but the regular verbs were just action words (which she knows), and there are way too many to memorize. She said, "How about a list of nouns then?" I reminded her what nouns are, and she said, "Oh, I guess that's a ton." Maybe we'll work on the states next. Memory work is such good brain training, and as long as she's enjoying it, I want to ride the wave.

1 comment :

KCandtheSunshineKids said...

Amazingly talented girl!