Saturday, April 18, 2009


The pile is shrinking. Our bodies are aching.

We worked fast and furious on chores this morning, as this afternoon we had plans and tomorrow (Sunday) Mark & Luce will be going to visit with his side of the family, while Dej and I take two of the kittens to their new home in Pecatonica. I cry every single time I think about it, and realistically expect to be a disfunctional mess tomorrow (and probably for a lot longer than that).

We went to Madison to see Stomp this afternoon. Mark and I and my parents got each other tickets for xmas. The hard part was waiting almost four months to actually go use our xmas present. The four of us and Luciana went. Dej had to work, of course. It was a fantastic show, and I think we all enjoyed it. It was well worth the money and the wait! I would definitely go see it again.

When we returned from the show, literally the minute we walked in the door, Hunter called to ask if he could come over to play. While Mark and I tried to finish up more chores, and I cooked dinner, L & H got busy setting up their cat village. They can play for hours and hours and hours with her cat figurines and wood building blocks.

Our first species tulips are up and looking gorgeous in the front yard. I'm anxiously watching to see when the rest of them open. I love their bright cheerful flowers. We also have lots more daffodils open with many more in bud. Most of the roses are coming back nicely as well. There is one that looks questionable, which isn't surprising. It was one that we just planted last year, and we didn't get it covered at all.

We really enjoyed our rewatch of LOST last night! Favorite lines from the show--Hurley: "You're just jealous my powers are better than yours.", and Miles: "That douche is my dad." That must be my juvenile humor surfacing again, but you just can't overuse the word douche. It's timeless.

L has been creating with clay again. She knows I like owls, so she made me this adorable little guy.

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