Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Two on Tuesday

My husband, who frequently drives me crazy, is also very thoughtful. He does more than his fair share of household chores. He's a good partner and shares the load. Beyond that though, he does some little, additional things that I tend to take for granted but really appreciate. Neither of us are mushy, romantic, or into grand gestures, but I do notice and appreciate the little thoughtful things he does to make my life better/easier. Two of the things he does that improve the quality of my life are:

1. Every Sunday, he fills up my gas tank so I don't have to worry about it for the week. It's a small thing, but it's very nice to get in my car on Monday morning with a full tank of gas.

2. Almost every weekend, he comes home with a sweet treat for me. While I probably shouldn't indulge sweets, given my current weight, it does brighten my day immensely. While music may soothe the savage beast, it's dark chocolate that works for me. He's a bright man, and I suspect he's learned that throwing good chocolate at my overactive sweet tooth, makes his life more pleasant as well. ;)

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