Monday, April 06, 2009

I don't think you trust in my self-righteous suicide

This weekend wasn’t very eventful. We stayed home, took care of our regular chores and spent time with Chloe, the kittens, and the kids. We enjoyed having a relatively quiet, unproductive weekend. Those are few and far between this time of year.

Chloe has adjusted fairly quickly and well to her new living arrangements, and we love her so much! We already can’t imagine life without her! It was horrible to leave her this morning. She knew we were going and really, really didn’t want to be left behind. I felt rotten having to leave her. Once her stitches have healed and she’s stronger, she will go to my parents’ with Luciana while I’m at work. They have fallen for her too, and that will allow them to have more time with her and give her more opportunities to be adored. I’m hoping she’ll be able to start going next week, so I won’t have to see her sad little disappointed face after this Wednesday.

Our friend Dustin came over yesterday to see Dej and hang out with us for the afternoon. We spent quite a while with the kittens of course, as they are endlessly entertaining and super cute. I had already prepared a stir fry for dinner, but the general consensus was that everyone was in the mood for Mexican and they all wanted to go out. I put the dinner away—I’ll just use it Wednesday, and it will be a nice midweek treat to be able to heat up a good meal instead of starting it from scratch after a long day at work. We went out to Cozumel, ate way too much, and enjoyed good food and good company. It was a very nice Sunday and made even better by the fact that we didn’t get the nasty, giant snow storm that was predicted.

L. just started reading the Harry Potter books last week for the first time. She finished the first two books and is working on the third. She chose to watch the first Harry Potter movie last night for family movie night. It’s the first time she’s seen the movie. We didn’t have the time to watch the whole movie last night, so we will have to finish it tonight. She enjoyed pointing out differences between the book and the movie.

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