Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Two on Tuesday

More of what's blooming. It's not the topic because I'm lazy this week, though, it's because I'm so excited about watching the garden come alive, bit by bit. I really enjoy the daily walks to see what's new each day. We have so much coming up, it was hard to choose just two.

1. Daffodils again. We have many, many varieties of daffodils--they are one of my favorite bulbs. I caught some shots today of some of the more unusual varieties. Unfortunately many of them were beaten up pretty badly in the rain, so some are a little mud speckled and tired looking. They're still beautiful to me.

2. Tulips. The critters don't leave too many of these in the ground for me, but I'm happy with their leftovers. After all, who could pass up something as delectably tasty and nutritious as tulip bulbs over the long, cold winter.

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